2010-04-08 Developers Conference Call


8 April 2010

In Attendance


  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)

  • Introduction of new people (20 min)

  • Messaging Module project update & demo (30 min)

    • Demonstrate general fuctions - add address, send message, manage services

    • Talk about general workflow, plans for future

    • Introduce INSTEDD team, talk about nuntium

    • Questions

  • Google Summer of Code Update (30 min, 2nd & 4th Thursdays of each month)

  • Naming the next release manager (30 min)

  • Decide on date for review of reporting module on this call

    • Also need to know what it will take to get reporting to a stable place

  • When is a bundled module included – i.e., what is the convention for considering the module "stable"? Does it require 1.0?

  • After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)


Messaging Module project update

Google Summer of Code update

  • Mentor meeting next Monday at 3:00 PM Eastern Time to discuss applications and logistics.

  • New proposals will be reviewed during this time.

1.7 release manager

  • http://openmrs.org/wiki/Release_Process#Being_the_Release_Manager

  • We will have assistant release managers (e.g. apprentice or shadow) so other people in the community can learn what's involved.

  • Those interested in being release manager or an assistant should contact Ben.

  • Next week, we will discuss who is interested and name the release manager and assistant(s).


  • Justin and Mike will get together and decide when to present the reporting module in a future meeting.
