2010-05-27 Developers Conference Call


27 May 2010

In Attendance


  • Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)

  • Introduction of OpenMRS Internship Program (OIP) 2010 projects - Burke (5 min)

  • OpenMRS Developer Introduction Presentation - bwolfe (90 min)

  • 1.7 update (15 min)

  • After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)


Review of Last Week's Minutes

  • Hope to follow up with Shaun Grannis soon; his student was preoccupied with exams

OIP 2010 Projects

  • fill in later

New Developer Introduction Presentation

1.7 Update

Handling Imprecise Lab Results

Multiple Units

  • Discussion on Multiple Units

  • structured numerics are in-progress

    • no finalized design approach

    • definitely under consideration, possibly implemented in 1.9

  • this topic should be added to the agenda on a dev call, but we should probably have a "strawman proposal" for consideration

Confirmation Dialog Dismissal

  • naming convention could drive global properties to allow turning on and off confirmations

  • Burke suggested using

  • Darius suggested creating a widget or jQuery utility function to help with this
