2014-03-27 Developers Forum

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    • New Module Repo
  • After-action review & next week's agenda (5 min)

In Attendance

  • You


View at notes.openmrs.org

OpenMRS Developers Forum: 2013-03-27
  • Michael Downey
  • Elliott Williams
  • Burke Mamlin
  • Ryan Yates
  • Nyoman Ribeka
  • Ada Yeung
  • Daniel Kayiwa
  • Rafal Korytkowski
  • Darius Jazayeri
  • Sashrika Waidyarathna
  • Wyclif Luyima
  • Sacheth Gupta
  • Jeremy Keiper
  • TODO: Burke will get PIH presentation from Mike Seaton added to the wiki page
  • TODO: Burke & Darius to clean Road Map up
  • Presentation/showcase: New module repository
  • Elliott Williams
  • Presentation - will be uploaded
  • What we had previously
  • What our goals were
  • Where we fell short
  • Initial ideas & "mission"
  • Grails + AngularJS
  • Demo
  • Initial version replaces current functionality
  • Continuous delivery will ensure rapid iterations
  • Two components: Modulus (backend) and Modulus UI (JS frontend)
  • Long Term Goals
  • Integration with SDK
  • Social elements (Review/ranking)
  • Simple JIRA issues for new developers
  • Better module dependency documentation
Top Ten List for What's Next for the Module Repository
  • !!!HIGHEST PRIORITY!!! Ensure that API is backwards-compatible
  • Update modules in OpenMRS 1.8.x and above
  • Search & install modules from within OpenMRS 1.8.x and above
  • Add support for roles & authentication
  • Enable upload
  • Bugs. :-)
Suggested Features (Candidates for Top Ten)
  • Allow user reviewing of modules (stars + comments)
  • Allow editorial tagging of modules (e.g. "In OpenMRS 2.0")
  • Support icons for modules
  • Unit Tests
  • Auto-deploy from Maven deployment and/or SDK
  • Make it easy to see how "active" a module is
  • Spark line of downloads
  • Reviews
  • Filter by activity threshold (or prioritize)
  • New badge
  • Make dependencies clearer
  • Add a feature to help deal with dependencies
  • e.g. "As a sysadmin of an OpenMRS 1.9.3 system, I want to get the XForms, Reporting, and Registration modules What other modules, and OpenMRS core version, do I need?"
  • Add version support
  • Support for screenshots
  • RSS Feed for module activity
  • New modules
  • Updates to modules
  • New reviews
  • STAGING SERVER for testing - changes will be implemented here first:
  • Staging server needs data
  • After Action Review
  • What did you expect to happen?
  • What actually happened?
  • What can we do better?



  • Backchannel IRC transcript
  • Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download - available after the meeting