2008-01-10 Developers Conference Call

<html><head><title></title></head><body>h1. Date

10 January 2008

In Attendance

  • Brian McKown
  • Ben Wolfe
  • Justin Miranda
  • Paul Biondich
  • Ada Yeung
  • Burke Mamlin
  • Darius Jazayeri
  • Eric Manders
  • Hamish Fraser
  • Chris Seebregts
  • Joaquin Blaya


  • Introductions — Welcome Eric!
  • Reporting update
    • XML report definition can be submitted, parameters completed, and then indicators generated with click-through to cohorts
    • Short-term needs: export to excel, save to database, way for non-programmers to enter and save report definitions
    • Read for some alpha use and soon could be released for implementers to start playing with
    • 1.0 - pretty much what we have
    • 1.1 - using a token as a cohort search
  • OIP planning
  • Joaquin update regarding Peru project involving OpenEHR archetypes and interest in OpenMRS
