

Breadcrumbs are a user interface design pattern that helps users understand their current location within a website or application. They are a navigational aid that displays a hierarchical trail of links from the homepage to the current page. Breadcrumbs are commonly displayed horizontally near the top of the page and use the greater than symbol / to indicate hierarchy.

In OpenMRS breadcrumbs are implemented in the index.ts file using the registerBreadCrumbs function exported by @openmrs/esm-framework package. The registerBreadcrumb function takes an object with two properties: path and title. The path property is the URL path of the page, and the title property is the text that will be displayed in the breadcrumb. When a user navigates to the registered page, the breadcrumb will be displayed with the specified title.

Here is an example of a simple breadcrumb for a page:

import { registerBreadcrumb } from "@openmrs/esm-framework"; function setupOpenmrs() { registerBreadcrumb({ path: `${window.spaBase}/myPage`, title: "My First Page", }); return { // specify your pages or extensions }; }

The breadcrumb will be displayed to the user as My First Page

Breadcrumbs can also represent a trail of hieracical links from the site homepage to sub pages. To implement this, use the parent property to indicate what should be the parent breadcrumb.

Here is an example of a breadcrumb with ancestors/sub pages:

import { registerBreadcrumbs } from "@openmrs/esm-framework"; function setupOpenmrs() { registerBreadcrumbs([ { path: `${window.spaBase}/myPage`, title: "My First Page", }, { path: `${window.spaBase}/myPage/subpage1`, title: "Subpage 1", parent: `${window.spaBase}/myPage`, }, { path: `${window.spaBase}/myPage/subpage2`, title: "Subpage 2", parent: `${window.spaBase}/myPage`, }, ]); return { // specify your pages or extensions }; }

The breadcrumb will be displayed to the user as My First Page My First Page / Subpage 1 My First Page / Subpage 2

Here is an example of how to use breadcrumbs in your component:

<ExtensionSlot name={slotName} />

Breadcrumbs are implemented as an extension provided by the app-shell.