Installation Guides

Installation Guides

This section is your go-to resource for setting up OpenMRS across different environments. Whether you're installing OpenMRS on your local machine or deploying it in the cloud, we've got you covered.

This section is organized to guide you through the process step by step and is tailored to your specific operating system and deployment needs.

This page lists all the installation guides of OpenMRS Distributions in various spaces. This table makes it easier to find which spaces have the same installation guide details. When someone changes an installation guide, they can update it in every space to maintain consistency throughout.


  1. Space: The location or platform where the guide is hosted.

  2. Operating System or Platform: The specific OS or platform targeted by the guide.

  3. OpenMRS Distribution: The specific OpenMRS distribution the guide applies to.

OpenMRS Wiki Space

i. Operating System Specific OpenMRS Installation

a. OpenMRS Installation on Ubuntu

Page:  OpenMRS Installation for Developers on Ubuntu (Documentation)

b.  OpenMRS Installation on Windows

Page:  Installation for Developers On Windows (Documentation)

c.  OpenMRS Installation on  other operating systems

Page:  Linux & Other OS (Documentation)

Page:  Step By Step Developer Setup Guide (Linux) (Documentation)

Page:  Automated installation (Documentation)

Page:  Installing and Using OpenMRS Password Reset Open WebApp (Documentation)

ii. Container Platform Specific OpenMRS Installation 

a. OpenMRS Installation

iii. Other OpenMRS Installation

a. OpenMRS Installation

b. OpenMRS Standalone Installation

c. OpenMRS Module Installation

d. Other Installation

OpenMRS Github Space

i. OpenMRS Installation 

Page:    Build OpenMRS  ( Github README Page)

ii. OpenMRS Android Client Installation  

Page:    Quick Start  ( Github README Page)

iii. OpenMRS REST API Documentation Installation  

Page:    Get Started   ( Github README Page)

iv. OpenMRS REST OCL Client  Installation  

Page:    Available Scripts  ( Github README Page)

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