Merge Duplicate Fields

Merge Duplicate Fields

We need to merge duplicate fields ,when some one  has created forms Schema Design with Duplicated fields which have the same field Properties that is `Field Name`, `Description` ,`field-type`, `concept` , `default-value`,`select-multi`     

Step-by-step guide

  1. you simply go to the Admin page > Merge duplicate fields  under "Forms"

  2. click Merge duplicate fields and if there are any Duplicated fields, It will automatically merge them

Effects of "Merge Duplicate Fields"

The function merges similar/ Duplicated  fields per each form, and it points all the duplicated fields to the first field. 

The function does not delete the duplicated fields from the given Form_Field table in the Database , neither  from the form Layout, but t just points the duplicated Fields to one single Field.

an example below is a duplicated field "NewX" in a form.

  1. Before the Duplicated Fields are merged                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    when u search in "Find field Elements" for a field to add to the form, all the Duplicated Fields are returned as different fields.

  2. After you Merge the Duplicated Fields                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          when u search for the Duplicated field, it is returned as a merged field

