Event Module
What this module does
This module creates easy handle points for other modules to hook onto. When an event occurs in openmrs it will notify all registered/subscribed listeners.
View Source: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-event
Checkout Source: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-event
Download: https://addons.openmrs.org/#/show/org.openmrs.module.event
Technical Documentation
Possible Actions
An enum on Event.Action contains the possible actions of CREATED, UPDATED, RETIRED, UNRETIRED, VOIDED, UNVOIDED, PURGED
Registering module domain objects for which to fire events
The module's domain objects must be subclasses of OpenmrsObject.
If you wish for retired/unretired or voided/unvoided events to be fired, they should implement Retireable or Voidable respectively.
To subscribe to an event
In your module activator or anywhere else in your module code:
Event.subscribe(Class, String, EventListener); // The String argument can be any of the values in the Event.Action Enum
Event.setSubscription(SubscribableEventListener); // spring callable, see below
or in your Spring moduleApplicationContext:
<bean class="org.openmrs.eventbus.Event">
<property name="subscription"><bean class=&q