

  • Jennifer

  • Brett

  • Grace Nakiguli

  • Hadijah

1. Review the documentation board
 a. Dictionary Manager showcase  the project page template.

  •  TO do: Hadijah to present the template to the Documentation team and Dictionary manager team via slack for review and then make a presentation during next Thursday's call.

  b. Review other teams' project page templates.

  •   To do: Jennifer to follow up with the FHIR.

  •   To do: Grace to reach to the QA team(Christine and Daud) and the Documentation team(Edwin and Kaylin) -get feedback on the progress from last week's call recommendations.

2. Getting started guide template

  • Work in progress


TO DO: Challenge
1. What is the flight path for those who want to use openmrs?
2. What is the flight path for those who want to implement openmrs?