Platform Release Notes 2.5.0 (2021-12)
Release date : 22 December 2021
Theme: Making the Platform support Openmrs 3.0
Note: This platform release requires at least a minimum of Java / OpenJDK 1.8 and MySQL 5.6 and Tomcat 8.5+ to run properly.
What's New?
This release is OpenMRS Platform 2.5.0 and is a major release version of the OpenMRS API that follows 2.4.1. It contains many under-the-hood updates to have a more modern tech stack and security fixes.
Release Manager: @tendo kiiza Martyn with support from @Daniel Kayiwa
Feature | Description | Status | Point of Contact |
done | @Daniel Kayiwa | ||
Make all Collectable entities Form Recordable | Added support for making all Collectable Entities Form Recordable | done | @Daniel Kayiwa |
Administration via REST | Extending Administration through REST endpoints for OpenMRS 3.0 | done | @Burke Mamlin @Daniel Kayiwa @Bartłomiej Rasztabiga |
Enhancing user_properties to Enable storing user-specific settings for OpenMRS 3.0 | done | @tendo kiiza Martyn @Burke Mamlin @Daniel Kayiwa | |
Mysql Reserved Word | done | @Christopher Miiro | |
Diagnosis Attribute | done | @Christopher Miiro | |
User Password | done | @Christopher Miiro | |
Security Fix in log4j | Fixing a Security threat in the log4j library which exposes a server to attackers | done | @Ian Bacher |
Library upgrades
Adding support for Tomcat 8.5+ and 9
New features with bundled modules
Community Input
Special thanks goes to the following people in the work they've done to make this release a success @Daniel Kayiwa for the technical guidance , development and other aspects involved , @Burke Mamlin for his untiring support through the Platform Team and Talk , design and business analysis specifically for the features included in this release. And the developers who worked on the various tickets @Bartłomiej Rasztabiga @Christopher Miiro @Antony Ojwang Testers from the QA Team for automating Some tests @Sharif Magembe @Kakumirizi Daud@Christine Gichuki @Irene Nyakate @Juliet Wamalwa and the Entire QA Team , @Grace Potma for interfacing with MFE squad , @Ian Bacher @Piotr Mankowski from the Fhir squad.
Bundled Modules
REST Web Services v2.30.0
OWA v1.13.0
FHIR2 v1.3.0
Bundled OWAs
Add-on Manager
Data Model Changes since 2.4.0
Delete non-null constraint from column cohort_member.start_date
Adding "form_namespace_and_path" column to encounter_diagnosis table
Adding "form_namespace_and_path" column to the allergy table
Adding 'encounter_id' column to the allergy table
Adding "form_namespace_and_path" column to the orders table
Adding "form_namespace_and_path" column to the patient_state table
Adding 'encounter_id' column to the patient_state table
Increasing from VARCHAR(100) to VARCHAR(255)
Changing user_property.property_value from VARCHAR(255) to LONGTEXT
Creating order_attribute_type table
Creating order_attribute table
Create order_referral table
Introduce location column to test_order table
Adding type field to the Location table
Creating diagnosis_attribute_type table
Creating diagnosis_attribute table
Updating foreign key user_who_changed_user to add delete CASCADE
Renaming column rank to dx_rank because rank is a reserved word in MySQL 8.0.2 and later
OpeMRS Platform 2.5.0 download link(