OpenMRS Community Roles
The OpenMRS Community supports developers, product managers, and designers world wide as they build and maintain our shared technical products, from our platform to our new OpenMRS 3 frontend. Small, dynamic squads focus their efforts on solving a variety of issues, from new frontend features to maintaining our backend to concept management.
Squad after squad find themselves relying on sets of similar and specialized roles to get stuff done. Our success coordinating and collaborating on solutions to shared problems relies on clear, agreed upon roles and responsibilities. This also allows us to
Recognize committed individuals and organizations by giving them a role commensurate with their contributions
Help organizations identify roles that are aligned with their priorities - and that they might support or sponsor
Give organizations & OpenMRS Inc a shared language that can be used to coordinate work and recruitment, inform proposals, scope negotiations, budgets, and budget narratives
Communicate a clear professional pathway for newcomers and community members
Link stage advancement and fellowships to specific roles
These community roles fall into two categories, Product Roles and Community Management Roles, and are lead by OpenMRS' Director of Product and Director of Community, respectively.
Community Roles