Implementer Conference Scholarships

Implementer Conference Scholarships


The OpenMRS community has been lucky enough to be able to offer scholarships to people for our annual Implementer Conference. Scholarships can vary from covering the cost of the meeting or even covering travel. The availability of scholarships varies from year to year, based on resources available. This page outlines the type of criteria and method used to consider potential scholarship awardees. 

Criteria for Reviewers

3-5 reviewers

  • Familiar with OpenMRS

  • Spends a majority of his/her time on OpenMRS

  • Dedicate sufficient time to review each scholarship application

  • Has previously attended two or more conferences

  • Can fairly make a decision based on merit

  • Is willing and able to keep information confidential

  • Is not applying for a scholarship

Criteria for Scholarship Applicants

Round One Criteria

  • Completed scholarship statement

  • Contact information

Round Two Criteria

The applicant...

  • Developer-focused (4-point Likert rating)


    • Do they often participate in weekly developer forums?

    • Do they contribute to OpenMRS by writing code?

  • Implementer-focused (4-point Likert rating)


    • Do they often participate in weekly forums?

    • Do they provide feedback while testing OpenMRS?

    • Are they involved in a group or program focused on capacity building?

    • Are they associated with a project or organization that has strong potential for collaboration with the OpenMRS community?

    • Are they qualified to be one of the only participants to represent an organization that has a high value to the OpenMRS community?

  • Additional areas of focus (4-point Likert rating)


    • Do they often participate in University forum?

    • Do they regularly contribute to OpenMRS documentation?

    • Do they contribute as a project manager, business analyst, or UI/UX designer?

    • Have they been active in building capacity (participate in University forums, served as a mentor, etc)?

    • Do they often assist others on OpenMRS Talk?

  • Conference meta


    • Have they ever attended a meeting?

    • Have they applied but not attended a meeting?

    • Have they attended previously and make valuable contribution to the event?

    • Have they provided a clear reason for attending the conference?

    • Does their attendance align with OpenMRS mission & conference theme?

    • How does their conference attendance relate to their current OpenMRS-related activities and future goals?

    • Have they described how s/he will contribute to the conference?

    • Are they a permanent resident in a country that could be considered a resource-constrained region?

    • Did they present a compelling case in scholarship application?

    • Are they a strategic invite that will lead to direct impact to OpenMRS receiving funding, expanding resources, or achieving operational plan strategic objectives

Application Form

Application information, timeline, and form coming soon!