Community Engagement Dashboard: Vision, Direction, & Projects

Community Engagement Dashboard: Vision, Direction, & Projects

Our Vision for Community Engagement

We envision an engaged, coordinated community where members are invested in professional growth and client-driven solutions
We work to foster a diverse, inclusive environment where community members can easily consume, champion, and/or collaborate on initiatives, solutions, and topics that benefit country-level, OpenMRS implementations.

Top 3 Strategic Priorities for Community Engagement

To achieve this vision, we need Strategic Priorities that will guide us over the next 5 years and set us in the right direction. Our top 3 Strategic Directions are:

Projects Underway to Support Strategic Priorities

Status Legend

RED = Progressing slowly; large need for additional support (in-kind, funded, etc)

yellow = Progress will accelerate if specific needs are addressed.

green = Project has good support; progressing at a good pace. More resources always welcome. 

1: Visible pathways to partner and contribute to community priorities

We aim to

1)  deliver greater visibility into community direction and how they relate to trends in the ecosystem, and

2) make it easy to contribute and collaborate to the initiatives with the most meaning for contributors and impact for our clients.






Investment & Coordination

A framework for linking community direction and initiatives to strategic priorities in the ecosystem, serving as an investment roadmap for key stakeholders

Country and Community Strategic Priorities Connection


Strategy + Operations Team

Easy Contribution & Collaboration

Publish dashboards that highlight current opportunities for individuals and organizations to contribute to technical and non-technical projects

Product Dashboard

Community Engagement Dashboard


Strategy + Operations Team

  • “Unpack” how to engage with and contribute to OpenMRS

  • Create pathways for organizations to  engage with the community & achieve their technical goals

OpenMRS Partner Model & Guide

In Progress

2: Targeted, meaningful engagement

We aim to spur contributions and collaboration through targeted, meaningful engagement and communication.






Recognizing Opportunity and Achievement

Amplify solutions, achievements, and events happening in the community

Community Meetings (OMRS23, Mini-meetings, etc)


Global Events Team

Expand Recognition Program

Needs TLC

Onboarding and Retention

Attract and retain individual contributors

OpenMRS for Newcomers Webinar 

In progress

Global Events Team

Publish a series of guides to onboard and steer new or existing contributors and supporting organizations

OpenMRS Flight Paths

Guide for the New & Curious

Improved Project Page Template

Getting Started Guides





Documentation Team

Engage & recognize organizations to address critical community talent gaps

Profiles in Partnership