Mekom Solutions

Mekom Solutions

Partner Stage: Transformative Leader.


ℹ️ About

Mekom Solutions delivers digital health solutions anywhere while contributing to open-source software and medical informatics standards.

Website: https://www.mekomsolutions.com

💼 Services

Mekom Solutions works with clients to configure OpenMRS based on local requirements, trains users, deploys, and maintains OpenMRS at health facilities in X countries. 

🤝 Community Activity

By aligning their business strategy with community product priorities, Mekom is making OpenMRS more sustainable – while sharing maintenance and risk with other organizations contributing at the same level. 

In 2019, Mekom chose to invest in OpenMRS’ new frontend framework and have rapidly become one of the most active organizations working on OpenMRS 3, committing development resources to take the first release of OpenMRS 3 across the finish line. As technical leaders, Mekom Solutions routinely proposes and engages in strategic conversations on community priorities reflected on the OpenMRS Product Roadmap. Their senior developers often mentor promising community talent – many of whom later join their development team. 

Mekom’s willingness to dedicate their resources to critical, shared priorities and openly collaborate in community spaces has gained the trust of many community members and organizations. 

Mekom Solutions’ journey with OpenMRS began in 2015. They configure and deploy OpenMRS in health facilities and train health care providers to use OpenMRS in several countries, from Cambodia to Liberia.

Since 2015, Mekom Solutions has contributed several technical solutions that align with OpenMRS’ community roadmap. Several of these solutions are used by other OpenMRS implementations throughout the OpenMRS ecosystem. They also have deep experience Dockerizing, configuring, and deploying Bahmni in X, X, and X countries.

Over the past three years, they have focused on advancing the new OpenMRS 3 frontend, which is a core component of their flagship product, Ozone HIS. By dedicating engineers and developers with essential frontend expertise, Mekem Solutions continues to be a core contributor to the OpenMRS 3 roadmap, with their top priority being a stable releases of OpenMRS 3 that can be repackaged with confidence in other products, such as Ozone HIS.

Mekom Solutions’ technical team has built a strong reputation as technical leaders within the OpenMRS Community. Dimitri Renault & Romain Buisson represent Mekom on OpenMRS’ Roadmap Collective and Technical Action Committee. Through their work on the OpenMRS Frontend Squad, CDS SMART Squad, and contributions to multiple OpenMRS repos, six of their developers made OpenMRS’ Top 30 Devs of 2022.

🌐 Sites and Projects

  • Cambodia: ____

  • Liberia: ____

  • Haiti: ____


🕰️ Badge History

  • 2024: Transformative Leader status renewed.

  • 2023: Awarded Transformative Leader status.

🤝 Mekom Solutions’ Contributions


👥 Who Is Mekom Solutions?

List of Org Members in the Community: https://talk.openmrs.org/g/Mekom


Mekom Alumni

Samuel Male

Reagan Meant

Hadijah Kyampeire

Github Repos

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