Module Development Discussion
Sy Haas - OMRS core developer.
Zeshan - Regenstrief fellow.
Rowan - PIH Rwanda.
Nathaelf - ITEC Haiti. Physician.
Ali - IRD Karachi, Pakistan. Question: when is a module ready or useful to the public?
Seth - MVP Ghana.
Anton - Dimagi. From OpenRosa side.
Mamilia - Cell Life, joining Dimagi.
Tuwei - AMPATH Kenya.
- Zimbabwe.
- Rwanda.
- Datadyne.
- Mozambique.
- Nigeria.
Tom - D-Tree Tanzania.
Yaw - PhD Student at Uwash.
Wyclif - OpenMRS Core Dev.
- Baobab health.
Zack - PhD student UPitt + Baobab health.
- Baobab Health.
Jeramy - AMPATH Core Developer.
OpenMRS built as a database API.
Modules are able to override any feature of the UI, database API, and more.
Core OpenMRS gives you a fully functional system that installs a database, enter patients, observations, and concepts.
Most popular modules: HTML Form entry, Logic, XForms, Reporting.
Overview of some current modules and examples thereof: logic module (and why is logic a core module), messaging module.
OpenMRS in the future is moving away from core modules - it will instead provide a base that people can develop from.
Always put your code out - crap or not. Someone may see it and want to build it.
Invite people to this wiki page to add ideas for new modules.
Add link to the Hello World module here.
You can write a module knowing java and XML. There's one configuration file.
Module tutorials - Ben Wolfe has done a class on this.