2010 Implementers Meeting After Action Review
2010 Implementers Meeting After Action Review
Thursday 9 September
What did we expect to happen?
- Make a schedule
- Entertaining introduction from Chris Bailey
- Highly-anticipated talks would be spread through all days
- Update on OpenMRS and its development status
- Meet new people in OpenMRS and mobile apps
- Find out where OpenMRS is
- Sun throughout the day
- Meet Sy Haas & Mark Goodrich
What actually happened?
- We set the agenda for day 1
- High-level update of OpenMRS project
- It rained
- Darius met a bunch of people who he had only e-mailed with before
- Chris Bailey did not sing
What did not happen today? (Bonus question?)
- No chance to debate agenda once it was put up
- The internet "didn't totally suck"
- No report back from sessions
- People did not get to all the sessions they wanted
- Not enough time in sessions
- Very few people added their notes to the wiki
What could we do differently?
- Allow a way to add new topics for upcoming days
- Encourage new attendees to participate more
- Consider longer sessions
- More seats in the pool room
- More transfer time between sessions
- Discuss more issues on training & capacity building
- Group common topics together
- Lightning talks & demo sessions
- More stringent time-keeping
Friday 10 September
What did we expect to happen?
- Better coordination
- Longer sessions
- More salad
- Higher door handles
- Good internet
- Sunshine
- Hear about some implementations
- To have an "I want to see/do/talk about" board
- Local wiki for postings
- More participation from all including new people
What actually happened?
- There was sun
- Longer sessions
- Transition time between sessions
- Lots of data talk
- Saw implementations
- Better schedule
- "Internot" worked
- Good collaboration/participation
- Some of the same old people said new things
- UI roadmap
- Timing was flexible
- We "unconferenced"
What didn't happen?
- "Internot" didn't work
- Couldn't post to the wiki
- Both wifi overload and insufficient bandwidth
- Didn't rain
- Didn't get to surf
- Didn't have too many complaints
- Didn't look at the "want to see" board
What could we do differently?
- Changing the venue to something larger
- More chairs in the small room
- More implementer showcases
- Lightning talks
- OpenMRS ask-the-expert
- Indicator reporting methods & architecture
- UI Framework developer discussion
- UI use cases
- Web app architecture tutorial
- Attendee list with e-mail addresses, organization, country
- Chris Bailey could sing
Final Conference Thoughts
What did we expect to happen?
- See a bunch of demos
- Learn where OpenMRS is going
- Connecting faces to e-mail addresses (faces were better than expected)
- Change where OpenMRS is going
- Build community
- Be surprised by some amazing work being done that we didn't know about
- New developers and implementers to learn new things about OpenMRS
- Meet people outside the core community that were coming in
- Hear Chris Bailey sing
- OpenMRS/OpenROSA cohesion
- Meet a lot of business development people
- See all the different ways OpenMRS manifests itself
What actually happened?
- Had some demos
- Feel a notch closer to being part of OpenMRS community
- Implementation showcase / speed-geeking
- Didn't have great internet connectivity
- Roadmap talks were more about community than software
- Didn't starve
- 100 people who wanted to attend could not attend
What could we do differently?
- More implementer showcases
- Showing more interoperable examples like OpenROSA
- Have an attendee list at least a week in advance of the conference, ideally with photos
- Much more involvement by new people
- Discussion about platform and apps to build on top of OpenMRS
- More lightning talks
- More fishbowl format (e.g. capacity building session)
- More demos
- Get the timing of sessions right next year
- More communication next year
- Set a template for the agenda in advance
- "Minute madness" at the beginning of the day to "advertise" potential sessions
- Consider voting on topics in advance of conference
- More "ask the expert" time
- OpenMRS form sharing event
- More clear topics & understanding of what level they are
- Have technical people arrive ahead of time and do things like day-long technical work sessions
- Short list of topics wanted or offering to give
- Entrepreneurship/business development sessions
- Much earlier decisions about attendance (to prevent visas, flight problems, etc.)
- Avoid religious holidays and consider days of week
- Be more focused on next steps after conference (goals, outcomes, etc.)
Other notes and open questions
- What are the pro's and con's of the location and frequency of the meeting?
- One un-conference and one "traditional" conference?
- Who attended because of the meeting's correlation with another conference (e.g. Medinfo)?
- More regional events?
- Be careful of the dynamics of the event