Success Stories 2024

The goal of this project is to write up several success stories that will help show the growth of the OpenMRS community and community’s product in 2024, and showcase how those community members made those things possible - i.e. each story should have a compelling What, Who, and How.








Notes / Info to get started

Draft Link







Notes / Info to get started

Draft Link

Done - Published

O3: The New OpenMRS Explained and the Investments that made it possible


Pull together information about the origin and technology of O3.

Opportunity to showcase how this is a result of coordinated community investment, direct support from implementers. Mention the TAP mechanism.



Use info from:

Let’s start there and see what you can make

Done - Published

A Visual History of OpenMRS


Use and your previous work that got removed from the first article to make this one





Done - Published

"The Technology behind OpenMRS version 3"


Take the technical parts we had to cut out from the original O3 article and put in this one

It would be awesome if we could highlight this single-spa video since it does such a nice job of explaining the plug-and-play architecture:




Almost Published

KenyaEMR O3 success story: How KenyaEMR leveraged and innovated with the new OpenMRS


Show before vs after

Explain exactly what steps they took (so others can follow them)

Interview team members, ideally quotes from both a non-tech and dev about O3


Consent granted by Palladium


Almost Published

UgandaEMR+ O3 success story: UgandaEMR’s journey with OpenMRS 3


Same idea as KenyaEMR story


Consent granted by METS


Not Started

How investments are making OpenMRS more flexible than ever with the new Distro HIS project


Several goals:

  1. Awareness: Ensure it’s clear community implementation members have been moving forward with building out full HIS (Health Information System) components within the TAP Grant + Squad model, led by UCSF & Mekom

  2. Understanding: There should be both simple and then slightly technical explanations of how exactly this distro-his solution is put together.

  3. Caution: If we can clearly explain how to draw the lines between Lite vs Not-Lite-Anymore (maybe this is a separate article)



Yes, UCSF agreed ++

  • Key Contacts: @Gilbert Muthee @Romain Buisson @Dimitri R

  • HIS Components visual/picture: HIS Distro Components visual

  • Some earlier drafted thoughts to try and communicate the difference between “Lite/Light-weight” and “Out of Scope” (that I never actually published) There are some little pictures in here that you may find helpful!


Not Started

How the new OpenMRS supports UHC, billing, and insurance


Show and explain the new Billing app. Explain the reason for this vs a full ERP.

Explain how it was created in the squad model



Permission granted

Confirmed w/ UCSF

Key Contact: Please use @Gilbert Muthee (UCSF) , and then @Antony Ojwang &@Keziah Muiruri (Palladium)

Please see this post that summarized the work of the billing app to date:

Screenshots are needed; these can be sourced from both Gilbert and from a recently recorded KenyaEMR demo (request from Grace)


Not Started

How we created our first OpenMRS Online Academy with virtual courses


Introduce the New OpenMRS online Academy. Share numbers about how many people have registered, certificates issued. How we used synchronous course time to create materials and structure, then converted into digital. Way of scaling personal touch.



Key contact: Grace


Not Discussed

ICAP-Ethiopia’s O3 journey: From Smartcare to OpenMRS




Need to get consent



Not Discussed

Scaling the new OpenMRS for NCD: Mekom’s journey with OpenMRS 3 in Cambodia


Show and explain OpenMRS useage by Mekom in Cambodia; used for NCD; translated in Khmer; rolled out to >100 sites


Not yet



Not Discussed

OpenMRS in a Moodle: How one NGO is helping International Medical Graduates learn EMRs with OpenMRS


Show how OpenMRS can be embedded in an iFrame, as part of a Moodle. Reference code guidance for iframing.

Interview Faimer team for quotes.


Not Yet

We have a lightning talk presentation that would be perfect for supporting this write up, and as media for the article. I will have to dig to find it.