Documentation Roadmap

Documentation Roadmap

The purpose of this section is to provide guidelines on how community members can contribute to documentation development for our applications.

What is the OpenMRS Documentation Roadmap?

The Documentation Roadmap is a record of processes, procedures and documents for self-study, implementation purposes, and follow up.

Steps in development:

• Explore organization guides, reports, policies, and procedures for use in documentation roadmap.

• Enter documents into the Roadmap.

• Analyze the information for gaps related to standards, criteria, and strategic plans.







Point of Contact



Developing User Friendly Github Documentation for REST API

We currently have a REST API document that is not well structured. As a result users of the documentation struggle to understand how to use the REST API. We would want our documentation to be structured in an easy to follow manner

In progress

Burke Mamlin



Review and Refactor existing wiki to be more User profile driven

Improve documentation to be better geared towards non technical users.

In progress

Cynthia Antwi

The final report can be accessed using link of work report. It contains link to all documentation work done as well as guide to what is left.


Developing a Documentation Guide

Create a guide to help the community around best practices for creating software documentation in openmrs.

review process

Juliet Wamalwa

The guide can be accessed on wiki on this link OpenMRS Documentation Guide


Developing a Suite of Volunteer Guides

Create documentation to compile into a set of Volunteer Guides to support those taking on volunteer roles in the community, and reduce the overhead and dependency on mentors assisting new volunteers in these roles.

gathering information

Jennifer Antilla



Developing sustainable approaches to make ongoing maintenance in OpenMRS documentation

Develop a suitable approach to avoid duplication of information available on  wiki  and Gitbook.





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