Product Dashboard: OpenMRS Product Vision, Strategy, & Roadmap


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Contact: Have an interesting initiative you want to see on the Community Product Roadmap? Contact Director of Product @Grace Potma at:


Vision & Top 3 Strategic Directions

We work together in a global fight to improve health care. Tech is one tool we use to bring better care to patients, the providers who care for them, and the organizations who steward health resources. This means the tech we develop together must have Great Tooling + Great Documentation to unlock scale to ensure patients get the right, timely, and appropriate care; provide health workers with timely, accurate, and complete information; and, give organizations data to improve the efficiency and quality of care delivery.

Our top 3 Strategic Directions guide us now and in the future 5 years to achieve our Vision. We call these strategies our "3 C's":

  • Care: Pt Care & User Experience (via O3 - better data quality through better Point-of-Care UX)

  • Config & Deployment: Faster Deployment through tools that get us closer to enabling non-developers to set up and maintain the EMR, e.g. OCL, Initializer, Docker, and more.

  • Communication: Data Exchange

...and of course, Ongoing Platform/Core Maintenance, including library upgrades and security patches. 

Top Priorities

  • Out of the Box Outpatient EMR completed and being leveraged in the real world. 

  • Release O3 apps often and with confidence. A regular cadence with clear release notes and stable versions #'s will help O3 implementers to rapidly benefit from bug-fixes & new features. Part of achieving this requires extensive test automation baked-in to both our PR and release pipelines. (O3, or "OpenMRS 3", is our next-generation version of OpenMRS.)

This Product Dashboard is a dynamic, changing space that is open to feedback. The intent is a home-base where anyone, especially day-to-day Implementers interested in the OMRS roadmap, can see at a glace some key initiatives going on around the OpenMRS community: what's happening, who's putting resources in, what needs more support, and where there are specific opportunities to contribute support/investment.

Short Link to this page:



Product Roadmap


Product Roadmap

All of these items are:

  • being conducted in a public community process, with involvement & investment from 2+ Organizations

  • being shared with /omrs/5 facilitators, and are receiving some degree of dedicated support from OpenMRS Inc

  • likely to provide wide community value (i.e. fit under the definition of "Shared Assets" for community)  

To suggest an item for the Community Product Roadmap, simply contact Director of Product @Grace Potma ( - we'd love to hear about your priorities and current focus areas.



Recent Work Completed


What We're Working on Today (Active Design or Development)


Emerging Community Priorities

Pt Care & User Experience (via O3 - better data quality through better Point-of-Care UX)


3.x Performance Enhancements


Improvements merged; Migration guide for Implementers here

Status: Rolling OUt 


Implement Patient Flags

Initial designs here; we would like to get these done. First legos to support decision support. 

  OMRS INC  Fellows
































































Recent Work Completed


What We're Working on Today (Active Design or Development)


Emerging Community Priorities

CONFIGURATION (& Deployment):

Faster Deployment





























Recent Work Completed


What We're Working on Today (Active Design or Development)


Emerging Community Priorities






























Recent Work Completed


What We're Working on Today (Active Design or Development)


Emerging Community Priorities

Maintenance & Core Support

 (Make it possible for implementers to build their features)
























Timeline estimates (e.g. Q1/Q2/H1/H2 etc) are subject to dynamically changing resources in our opensource community. They refer to 2021, and the calendar year timeline, with Q1 ending when April begins.