Available Projects

Available Projects

This section provides list of all available OpenMRS (or related) projects. If you're not sure on what project to work on or want to work on some of our proposed projects, this section is for you. Browse through list of available projects and chose which project matches your skill set and you'd like to work on.The available project section is also divided into two major categories.

Available Development Projects

Available Documentation Projects

Documenting a Project

If you are working on certain project, Project page should at least include a description of the project, the person(s) working on the project, the person(s) overseeing the project, link(s) to wiki pages or related resources, and names of any champions or interested parties.  We encourage anyone involved (or interested in) a project to "watch" their project page – i.e., select Tools ? Watch Page from the wiki's menu in order to receive e-mail notifications of comments or edits.

Also take a look at Project Management Resources and Project Management Best Practices for help regarding starting a new project. 

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