3.x Address Hierarchy Widget

3.x Address Hierarchy Widget

Current State Resources

Backend support and metadata upload support already exist. This feature has been very widely used in existing OMRS implementations around the world. 

  • Backend: Backend support is provided via the Address Hierarchy Module: https://addons.openmrs.org/show/org.openmrs.module.addresshierarchy  https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-addresshierarchy

  • Metadata - need both the Address Hierarchy Module and Initializer installed; then follow csv conventions. 

    • Add the metadata you want at:  

      • configuration/ ├── addresshierarchy/

  • O3 Background: Many orgs have wanted Address Hierarchy support for the 3.x Frontend, but it has not yet been built by anyone.

    • it should already be possible to embed (and hook to the form submission workflow) anything with custom controls. See:

      Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

    • Previous O3 ticket/discussion about Address Hierarchy:

      Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Key Points

Template to set up

Give this to AH module

RefApp should have a baseline template to work with, that other orgs can customize and add stuff to. So, what should the baseline template be? TODO

How it is configured in RefApp TODO

Visuals to know

Current State in SmartCare-Ethiopia: 

Current State in RefApp 2.x:  (PIH-Haiti Registration Form Example)

Proposed State

Current State in SmartCare-Ethiopia: 

Current State in RefApp 2.x:  (PIH-Haiti Registration Form Example)

Proposed State


Notice that this OMRS-EMR was able to customize the names of the regions

(eg Department, Commune, etc)


Slimmed-down version, to edit the address:

Note that the Address Hierarchy is used again, when you want to Edit the address. 

1) Click Pencil of "Contact info":

2) Get taken to a slimmed-down version of original registration form, to edit the address:

Use Cases

Addresses are needed in several places - note the following Use Cases:

  • For the Patient: At registration

  • For the Patient: In a form

  • For a contact of the Patient: At registration (eg emergency contact)

  • For a contact of the Patient: In a form (eg Sexual Partner Contact Tracing form)

So, this widget needs to be able to handle collecting either Patient or non-patient information, in either registration or in a form. Discussion on Form-Embeddable Widget here: __________TODO cc Dimitri any more info on how this should be done? Can we meet tmrw?

Acceptance Criteria