Product Requirement Document(PRD)

Product Requirement Document(PRD)

PRD for ANC prototype

Epic Name

(Prototype) Send inputs from the O3 front-end to the CQL-API module and display the care plan result as a flag.


Test the workflow by sending input from O3, using a simple form and vitals, to the CQL-API module. The module will implement the CQL engine, evaluate the plan definition, and send back the care plan output given by the engine, which is then displayed in O3 as a UI flag.

Strategic Alignment

The prototype will help us determine the compatibility of O3->CQL engine-> O3 workflow

Target Release

Prototype by the end of December

Team Members

@Grace Potma, @suruchi dhungana, @Daniel Kayiwa, @Joshua Nsereko 

User Stories

As medical personnel, I want to keep patients' current status and details in a note (Can be an ANC care plan form in O3). While submitting the form and vitals I want to have the recommendation or decision displayed (as per WHO SMART guidelines) in the patient dashboard so that I can quickly review important flags and know the current details of the patient.

Open Questions

Is it easy to replace the CQL logic’s string text with IDs from our OCL collection (e.g. “12345” instead of “high blood pressure”)?