OpenMRS Interoperability and Integration Updates
- Gilbert Muthee
- Romain Buisson
- Michael Bontyes
- suruchi dhungana
Focus on OpenMRS interoperability & integrations at facility-level
Mondays at 9 AM EST, 4 PM EAT - Link:
Represented organizations: UCSF, UgandaEMR, Palladium, Mekom, MSF/Madiro
Examples: Laboratory, billing, stock management, etc.
Share knowledge and use cases about data exchange use cases
Align on practices, tools, and architectures
Map ecosystem of existing solutions and challenges to address them as a group
Framework for integration
Sets of routes
Documentation about how to integrate OpenMRS with other health systems
Calls and notes
LIMS integration
OEG integration work is halted until the missing features are implemented.
Will touch base weekly to assess the progress and resume work when a number of the features are fixed.
Enable SENAITE as the default LIMS option currently in progress (PR in review and a bug reported)
Deployment of
Work necessary in Ozone to build bundled Docker images is now done and currently being deployed (on the Ozone side).
Deployment of OpenMRS Distro HIS should be done through a Bamboo job - done by today or tomorrow.
FHIR API for Odoo
Proposed architecture:
Work has started.
Odoo Java Client: we will be using the Odoo Java API project as a Java client for Odoo XML RPC API → is not necessary anymore.
OpenMRS module FHIR Proxy work is started. Will get more updates after the Ozone internal call.
HAPI FHIR server work started today. Will get more updates after the Ozone internal call.
Ozone Analytics
Open sourcing of Ozone Analytics will be started by @Kakumirizi Daud this week.
LIMS integration
OEG integration work is halted until the missing features are implemented.
Will touch base weekly to assess the progress and resume work when a number of the features are fixed.
Will enable SENAITE as the default LIMS option for now.
Deployment of
Delayed few days: init. estimate on end of last week. Looking at mid this week now. (technical work is done so that child distributions can build those Docker-embedded images).
Unable to reach out to Rafal. Scott has not answered regarding if a Bamboo job already exists or not.
FHIR API for Odoo
Proposed architecture:
Work has started.
Technical architecture call on Thursday
Simplicity of deployment (OMODs and/or SQL script)
Ability to dynamically flatten encounters and transpose questions as columns
Concerns over:
Change Data Capture done through monitoring some specific database fields (
…) instead of default mechanisms (binlog…)Performance concerns (due to a lot of indexing) for 10M records databases.
Little to no testing.
Ozone Analytics
Open sourcing of Ozone Analytics will be started by @Kakumirizi Daud this week.
OEG integration
Project updates shared by Suruchi: integration work is being delayed (+1 week already) by low responsiveness from OEG devs. Attempting to setup weekly calls.
Eudson advises to not implement any workaround and rather wait for OEG folks to answer.
Deployment of
Development work needed to deploy embedded distro Docker images is well advanced. Est. done by mid-week.
Then reaching out to Rafal in OpenMRS community to deploy via Bamboo.
Q: @Emmanuel Nyachoke where to deploy the OpenMRS Distro HIS-embedded Docker images?
FHIR API for ERPNext (or Odoo)
From Slack message Odoo might be a better fit for the default ERP system in Ozone and OpenMRS distro HIS.
Work needed to have ERPNext expose a FHIR API still needs to be documented as an example. Current work could be pushed and documented so to be picked up and resumed by other group.
exposed in Billing & Pharmacy modules needs to start. Mekom will provide guidance. Need to use the library.
MambaETL + Oz Analytics
Plan a call this week between UCSF and Mekom to look at Mamba ETL in terms of incremental updates.
DHIS2 / DHIS Tracker integration:
Integration with Tracker. Advises to look at the Ethiori REDCap integration.
Integration DHIS2 (analytics). Advises to look at the Ozone Analytics when integrated data analytics.
OEG integration:
OpenMRS patient and Lab test order is synced in OpenELIS
Results from OpenELIS are synced in OpenMRS
Modification of lab order cancels the existing lab order in OpenELIS and creates a new lab order
Discontinue lab order in OpenMRS cancels the Incoming Order in OpenELIS
Deployment of
In progress: 2 PRs:
Work halted this week due to vacations. Will resume next week.
Architecture still in progress. Leaning towards running HAPI FHIR to transform and expose FHIR objects from the ERPNext database.
Architecture will be defined this week and implementation started the week after.
Analytics in OpenMRS Distro HIS: Ozone Analytics + Mamba ETL
3 tickets to be worked on:
Planned a demo session of Mamba ETL w/ support of incremental changes lead by UCSF. (to be scheduled to next week)
OEG integration in progress:
Notion board:
Automated configuration w/ OEG only supported w/ Liquibase.
Unblocked to create Patients visible in new UI.
Mid-next week first delivery. Identify exactly what will be demoed by this time. @suruchi dhungana to update.
Deployment of server:
Will be looked at tomorrow.
FHIR specs for ERP Processes completed. Link:
Designs for Price + Stock upon ordering will be added in Zeplin today.
Need some architecture call with Wyclif regarding exposing the FHIR API of the ERP (and authenticating to it)
SSO: Should be configurable to be enabled by implementers.
Custom systems integration:
Ethiori being integrated with a custom LIMS. → good progress done in Ethiori hackathon.
Used as an example to add more integrations.
Enabling SENAITE in OpenMRS distro HIS:
@Stephen Senkomago Musoke starting evaluation of SENAITE integration.
Patients are synced
Lab orders not tested as unable create orders with admin users. Reached out on the #ozone channel.
Mekom reported some issues with the Lab order basket (unable to revise order).
DHIS2 integration by @Michael Bontyes . Interested in looking UgandaEMR existing DHIS2 integration.
MSF scope: Initialize a new OpenMRS instance with DHIS2 patients (w/ DHIS2 ID + demographics)
Using OpenFn to send the new patients and data points.
Business logic available on GitHub.
Links and references
April 2024: Map ecosystem of existing solutions - Work in progress
April 2024: Editable Generic OpenHIE diagram
Febr 2023: Talk post about Interoperability layer of OpenMRS