HR Module Documentation Outline

HR Module Documentation Outline

What this module does

This module provides basic Human Resources (HR) functionality necessary to maintain records of staff members and personnel actions.  It uses internationally-accepted design practices.  It produces basic reports relating to staff.

Documentation Outline

Section 1: General information about HR data and the OpenMRS implementation

Section 2: What the HR Manager will need before getting started

Section 3: Module installation and configuration (HR Manager and System Administrator)

Section 4: Initial data load (HR Manager and HR Clerk)

Section 5: Routine personnel functions (HR Manager and Clerk)

Appendix A: Using the Test Data

Appendix B: Technical Details




 See appropriate sections

Release Notes

version 0.9 released 


This module was developed during GSOC Summer of Code 2011 by Sai Manohar under the mentorship of Daniel Futterman, Roger Friedman and Carl Leitner..