Project Timeline

April 21 - May 18 : Learning on how to write a new module, Discuss the plan with my mentor,

Referring all the resources to identify the project well while interacting with fellow interns and community

  Goals   : Getting to know the community, Acquire the project background knowledge, Understand writing a new module

  Measure : The mutual agreed formal project proposal for the project

  Deadline: May 18

May 19- May 23 : Follow the wiki and write the new module ( just the structure without any functions)

  Goals   : Finish writing new module and plug it into OpenMRS core

  Measure : The source code and .omod file for 'system performance and utilization' module

  Deadline: May 23


May 24 - May 30 : Research and plug in JavaMelody into OpenMRS code base and use its API in our module

  Goals   : Find and configure JavaMelody external library in best possible way to use with new module

  Measure : Source code and resource files used to integrate JavaMelody

  Deadline: May 30


May 31 - June 10 :  Implement first set of system indicators for Memory and CPU 

  Goals   : Code to rerieve the Memory/CPU data into new module

  Measure : Source code and the test cases for the implementation

  Deadline: June 10


June 11 - June 22 : Research and display first set of system indicators for Memory and CPU in graphs)

  Goals   : Show the Memory/CPU usage indicators in graphs using NVD3.js

  Measure : Source code and the test cases for the implementation

  Deadline: June 22


June 23 - June 26 : Code formatting, writing additional testcases, documenting the progress and preparing for the Mid Term Evaluation

  Goals   : Preparing for the mid evaluation

  Measure : Source code and the test cases, Completed wiki pages for the module upto now

  Deadline: June 26


June 27 : Mid Term Evaluation

  Goals   : Completing main system indicators and graphs (as descibed above) of the project

  Measure : Source code and the test cases, documentation for completed work

  Deadline: June 27 

June 28 - July 8 : Improving my code from the feedback of midterm and Implement remaining set of system indicators as required

  Goals   : Code to retrieve data on more system indicators and graphs for them (for required indicators only) // as there can be data only indicators

  Measure : Source code and the test cases for the implementation

  Deadline: July 8


July 9 - July 24 : Implement application indicators for the module

  Goals   : Code to retrive data regarding application indicators and take them to the module

  Measure : Source code and the test cases for the implementation

  Deadline: July 24


July 25 - August 10 : Display application indicators in graphs

  Goals   : Show the application indicators in graphs using NVD3.js

  Measure : Source code and the test cases for the implementation

  Deadline: August 10


August 11 - August 21 : Soft and Hard Pencil down time: Code formatting, testings and documentation of project

  Goals   : Polishing the source code with accurate tests and good documentation

  Measure : Source code and the bundle of unit tests, completed documentation

  Deadline: August 21


August 22- Final Evaluation

  Goals   : Successfully complete all the tasks defined in the project proposal

  Measure : Complete source code and the bundle of unit tests, completed documentation, Prepared video on new module