Existing OMRS <--> OMOP work

Existing OMRS <--> OMOP work

Plan/Method: Search across the following places and uncover existing work or findings on OpenMRS & OMOD: Google Scholar; OpenMRS Forum (Talk), OpenMRS Slack, OpenMRS Wiki, and Google generic.

Google Scholar

Search terms: OpenMRS OMOP, and “OpenMRS” “OMOP” (link here)

Directly relevant & helpful:

Indirectly helpful:

  • This group outlines reasons they think OpenMRS can be difficult for researchers to query, and propose their own simpler EMR to make life easier for Researchers. We should review to see what we can learn from this: A simple electronic medical record system designed for research A simple electronic medical record system designed for research

OpenMRS Forum (Talk) & Slack & Wiki

Other Possibly Helpful Tools

Google Generic Findings

FHIR Community (Not specific to OpenMRS; Possibly Helpful for Mapping)