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- Jeremy Keiper
- Sy Haas
- Win Ribeka
- Wyclif Luyima
- Ben Wolfe
Tickets to review
- archive:TRAC-67@ticket boolean concepts
- archive:TRAC-331@ticket small
Notes for 67
- Change ConceptTest to not use the conceptservice. don't import xml. don't extend basecontextsensitivetest
- Change ObsValidatorTest to say valueBoolean in name instead of valueCoded
- Change orur01handler to only save a valueCoded with answer of 1 in an hl7 message IF the valueCoded has a valid answer of "True". if 0 is passed in and "False" is a valid answer. ok. if not...the orur01handler should fail.
- Fix NumericForObsIfQuestionDatatypeIsNumericAndTheAnswerIsNeither0Nor1 to be NumericForObsIfQuestionDatatypeIsNumericAndTheAnswerIsEither0or1
- shouldNotCreateObsIfQuestionDatatypeIsNeitherBooleanNorNumericNorCoded is a bad test. This should be a valid obs.
- change shouldThrowAnAPIexceptionIfTheDatatypeOfTheConceptIsNotBoolean to shouldFailIfTheDatatypeOfTheConceptIsNotBoolean
- Fix shouldExplicitlyAddTrueConceptAsAValue to check the true concept (and the test after)
- Change ObsTest to not use the obsservice. and don't extend BaseContextSensitiveTest
- should be bull h1. > should be null
- conceptformcontroller: Don't pass a second param to msa.getMessage if you're comparing a string to a user entered string
- conceptformcontroller: don't do "Concept concept = conceptBackingObject.getConceptFromFormData(); " just get the concept from the cocnept id.
- Remove Concept.isBoolean
- change obs.getValueAsBoolean to NOT check valueText (and remove the unit test)
- are there tests for getValueAsBoolean ?
- Fix setValueAsString javadoc (to have parameter)
- change to use concept.true and concept.false global properties. you should set those in the liquibase change Notes for 331 ==
- Fix shouldSavePropertiesWithCaseDifferenceOnly test