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Building Reports Inside OpenMRS (For Implementers)

You can create three different types of reports: a Period Indicator Report, a Row-Per-Patient Report, or a Custom Report (Advanced).

All reports contain a Report Definition which is linked to one or more DataSet Definitions. In the first two options, the link between the Report Definition and the appropriate DataSet Definition is set automatically. However, to create a Custom Report (Advanced), you must manually link the Report Definition and DataSet Definition. For more information, see Types of Reports.

The two tutorials that follow demonstrate how to build a Period Indicator Report and a Simple Row-Per-Patient Report. The first example shows a report where the link between the Report and DataSet Definitions is automatic, whereas the second shows a manual setting of the link.

Building Row-Per-Domain Reports

Building a Simple Row-Per-Patient Step-By-Step

This step-by-step tutorial will guide the user in the creation of a Simple Row-Per-Patient Report (See  Row-Per-Domain Object Report Definition for details). It will also show how to create the DataSet Definition for the Report Definition.

This Simple Row-Per-Patient Report will output a list of patients from Boston and output their birthdate and gender.

Step 1. Build DataSet Definition

Step 2. Build Report

Step 3. Add DataSet to Report

Step 1. Build DataSet Definition


Click 'Administration' from the main toolbar.


Under 'Manage Report Definitions', click 'Data Set Definitions'.


Click the plus sign next to Simple Patient DataSet to add a new Simple Row Per Patient DataSet.


Basics: Under 'Name', input the title of your DataSet, so that you can find it later. You can type a more detailed description under 'Description.'


Properties: There are four different categories of patient properties you can display in your report: person/patient properties, person attribute types, identifier types, and program workflow states. Under each, you can input Fixed Value properties, or parameters, which will allow the dataset to be reused. For example, if you input one column as a parameter, you can pass in at runtime what you want this column to contain under the appropriate category.

In this example, we will display a list of patients in Boston and output their birthdate and gender. All of these are patient/person attributes, so we add 2 inputs here. You can add more than one property by clicking the plus button next to the property textbox.

You are now ready to build the Report Definition. 

Step 2. Build Report Definition


Click 'Report Definitions' from the toolbar above.


Click 'Custom Report (Advanced)'.


Enter the name of your report under 'Name.' You can enter a more detailed description in the 'Description' textbox. Then click 'Submit.'

You are now ready to add the DataSet you created in Step 1 to your new Report Definition.

Step 3.  Add DataSet Definition to Report Definition


In the Report Editor, click the plus sign under Dataset Definitions to add a new dataset.


In the 'Key', enter an appropriate label for your DataSet. A label will appear as , for example, the sheet name for your report in an Excel file. Here, we enter 'RPP DataSet Key'. Under 'DataSetDefinition,' select the name of the dataset you created in Step 1 (Simple Row Per Patient DataSet). Then click submit.


In this stage, you may add parameters to the Report, such as Start Date, EndDate, and Location. Our report will list patients from a specific location, which we want to be able to change every time the program is run. We add a parameter 'Location' to enable this. Click the plus sign next to 'Add' under Parameters. Under 'New Parameter', because it is a single value, choose 'Single' under type, and choose 'Location' from the adjacent drop-down. Type a name under Name and an appropriate label, which will be displayed when the report is run, for your new parameter. Then click submit.


Your Simple Row-Per-Patient report is now complete. See “Running Reports” for information on how to run it. Following these steps, your report should look like the example to the right.

Building Indicator Reports

Period Indicator Report Step-By-Step

This step-by-step tutorial will guide the user in the creation of indicator reports, using a Period Indicator Report as an example. It will show how to create the underlying components for the report as well as how to set up the first question.
See Indicator Report Definition for details.

Create a report that only includes people in the Heart Failure Program. Many questions will restrict by gender. The first question will be:  

* Percentage of men whose main job is farming.

Needed components (Must be done in this order as the first items are building blocks for items thereafter):

Step 1. Build Cohorts

Step 2. Build Indicators

Step 3. Build Dimension

Step 4. Create Report

Step 5. Add Filter

Step 6. Add Dimension

Step 7. Add Question

Cohort Indicator with Dimensions Report Step-By-Step

This step-by-step tutorial will guide the user in the creation of indicator reports, using a Cohort Indicator with Dimensions Report as an example. It will show how to create the underlying components for the report as well as how to set up the first question. This example will highlight how parameters are used in reports. See Understanding Parameters for details.
See Indicator Report Definition for details.

The first question will be:  

* People in the HIV Program at the endDate of the report.

Needed components (Must be done in this order as the first items are building blocks for items thereafter):

Step 1. Build Cohort

Step 2. Build Indicator

Step 3. Create Data Set Definition

Step 4. Create Report

Step 5. Add Data Set Definition to Report

Building Indicator Report Components

Creating Cohort Queries

See Cohort Query Definition.



Male Cohort--Returns all male patients.




Farmer Cohort--Returns all patients whose main activity is farming.



In Heart Failure Program Cohort--Returns all patients who are in the Heart Failure Program on a specific date.  You will set that date to be the End Date of the report in the indicator.  By using a parameter here, this cohort can be reused more easily. For instance, you could create two indicators, one which uses this cohort with the End Date of the report and one which uses this cohort with the Start Date of the report.




Heart Failure Form Cohort--Returns the patients who have any of the Heart Failure forms filled out.



In HIV Program Cohort--Returns the patients who in the HIV Program at the End Date of the report.



Transportation Cost Cohort--Returns the patients who have a transportation cost observation.


Health Center Location Cohort--Returns the patients who have been assigned a specific health center as a patient attribute.


Composition Cohorts

Composition Cohorts are a way to combine two or more cohorts or negate a single cohort. See Cohort Queries.

Farmer and In Heart Failure Program Cohort--Returns all patients who both have the main activity of farming and are in the Heart Failure Program on a specific date.

Creating Cohort Indicators

See Indicator Definition.




Farmer Indicator--Returns the percent patients in the Heart Failure Program at the report End Date whose main activity is farming and whose health center is set as the Location parameter passed into the report (at runtime).


You have to create cohorts for Health Center Location, Farmers, and In Heart Failure Program before you can create this indicator. You can't aggregate something you haven't created yet.
See Cohorts for step-by-step instructions.

NOTE--The cohort must have the word Location in the name in order to be used in the Location Filter.

NOTE--The numerator is automatically constrained by the denominator. This means that the numerator will only return members who are Farmers and also In Heart Failure Program.  
Notice that you have to put in the Start Date, End Date, and Location. The End Date parameter will be passed into the denominator cohort, In Heart Failure Program. The Start Date and Location are not used. 
The only reason to keep these two as parameters for your indicator is so that you can use this indicator in a Period Indicator Report (which requires all three parameters to be present). 

See Understanding Parameters for a quick overview of parameters use.

Transportation Cost Indicator--Returns the median cost of transport for the cohort of patients who have a cost of transport (in this case in Rwandan Francs).


NOTE--If you have any problems with the logic tokens not being recognized and the indicator preview failing, make sure that your logic tokens have been registered.

In HIV Program Indicator--Returns the number of patients in the HIV Program on the End Date of the report.

Creating Dimensions

See Dimension Definition.




You have to create a Male Cohort before this option will show up in the Cohort Definition drop down here.
See Cohorts for step-by-step instructions.  Now create a Female Cohort Query and Add that to your dimension on your own.

Creating a Period Indicator Report

Setting Up a Period Indicator Report

Add Filter to Report

Add Dimension(s) to Report

Add Indicators (Questions) to Report

Running a Period Indicator Report

See Running a Period Indicator Report.


Creating an Indicator with Dimensions Report

Create Data Set Definition




Add Question





Create Report



Add Data Set Definition






Running an Indicator with Dimension Report

See Running an Indicator with Dimension Report.


Screen Casts Step-By-Step

To help get you started with the Reporting Module, we have put together a few screen casts.

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