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Initial development of this module was already completed (See here), and now it needs some further improvements as mentioned in the objectives.
Any self-respecting medical record system needs to be able to track patient conditions (what is often called the patient's "Problem List"). We have chosen "Condition" instead of "Problem" to align with contemporary thinking (e.g., since "Pregnancy" isn't really a "Problem" for most people). OpenMRS RefApp needs Condition Lists. This project must be completed before it can be used, but many features are already completed. There was a great start during OMRS17 Hackathon in Malawi.
Dev Resources
- GitHub :
- JIRA :
- Good Java, Spring and JavaScript skills
- Soft skills to interact with the community in order to gather requirements and technical feedback
Skills Needed
- Java
- Spring
- JavaScript
- Automating the LABC module installation, need to reduce the workload at the beginning of a user.
- Create a REST endpoint to show/edit the configurations of LBAC
- Create Person Attributes for LBAC.
- Global Property attribute for LBAC.
- Check and show about the required module’s versions to use a feature from LBAC.
- Login Screen managements.
- LBAC On/OFF feature.
- Migrate a patient/list of patients from one location(or unknown) to another location.
- Enable encounter access based on patient location or multiple admitted/channeled locations.
- Add location restrictions to Reporting-REST, and Reference metadata modules.
Extra Credit
- Write a report for users about Condition Lists
- Project GitHub Link
- Project JIRA Link
- Final Report : GSoC 2019 - Condition List
- Design forum notes
- Notes from 2014-09-29 Design Forum
- Notes from 2014-09-24 Design Forum
- Notes from 2015-06-01 Design Forum
- Notes from 2015-06-15 Design Forum
- Chief Complaint – the reason the patient is seeking care, typically given as a symptom and duration (e.g., "Fever ? 5 days"), but is sometimes given as an existing diagnosis for scheduled or routine visits (e.g., a patient coming to clinic for a scheduled iron injection to treat anemia might have the diagnosis "Iron-Deficiency Anemia" recorded as a chief complaint).
- Condition – a symptom (something the patient has noticed), a finding (something that has been observed about the patient), or a diagnosis (clinical syndrome diagnosed through observation or testing)
- Condition List – a longitudinal list of conditions that are relevant to the patient's health status, typically populated with chronic or recurring medical conditions (e.g., "Hypertension" or "Diabetes Mellitus") or prior conditions that continue to affect health care decisions for the patient (e.g., "History of Stroke" or "History of Breast Cancer")
- Diagnosis – a condition pertaining to a particular encounter (e.g., one of the reasons that patient is being seen today)
- Diagnosis List – a list of diagnoses pertaining to a particular encounter (i.e., the reasons that the patient was seen today or the list of diagnoses addressed during the clinical transaction)
- Finding – something objective found physical exam or through testing (e.g., "Murmur" or "Expiratory Wheezes")
- Symptom – something subjective the patient has noted and is not typically observed by physical exam (e.g., "Headache", "Fatigue", or "Wrist Pain")
- Symptom/Finding – some things can be noted by the patient as well as observed on physical exam (e.g., "Fever", "Rash", or "Weakness")
Design Ideas
- Patient
- Codes (0-to-n reference terms) <- Don't these come from the concept? Or is this something different?
- Typically used for billing (e.g., ICD codes)
- AdditionalDetail (String)
- DateCreated
- CreatedBy
- Voided
- VoidedBy
- VoidReason
Condition List
0-to-n Conditions assigned to a patient
You should have to explicitly ask for historical (voided) items
Diagnosis List
- 0-to-n Conditions associated with an Encounter