Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed locally.
See Docker Installation Instructions for your environment. If running on Linux, check to install docker compose.
Checkout this git-repo for a fully pre-configured Dockerized PLIR set up and follow the instruction below
Clone the Repository locally
git clone
Move to the project root directory and Spin Up the pre-configured OpenMRS ,OpenHIM and Hapi-Fhir instances .
docker-compose up
You should be able to acces the OpenMRS ,OpenHIM and Hapi-Fhir instances at the following urls
Instance URL credentials (user : password) OpenMRS http://localhost:8080/openmrs admin : Admin123
OpenHIM http://localhost:9000 : openhim-password
Hapi FHir http://localhost:8090 hapi : hapi123
After Logging into OpenHIM (see more ), Import the Config-file inside the Config folder ie config/openhim-config.json
Note that the OpenMRS Instance above is pre-loaded with CIEL and comes with a sample form (TX_PVLS form) to collect TX_PVLS specific dataLoad the necesary FHIR Measure Resource For Calculation of TX_PVLS and FHIR CQL Libraries for the Calculation of TX_PVLS into the Hapi FHir .
you can load the resources directly from the resources folder directly using the load-resources script. run the command below from the project root directorychmod +x * ; ./
Spin up the streaming-debezium pipeline .
docker-compose -f pipeline-compose.yml up
Note that you run the above command from the root directory of the cloned repository.
You can use the TX_PVLS form pre-loaded in the OpenMRS instance to capture TX_PVLS specific dataThe running Pipeline will listen to any any data changes added in to OpenMRS and route them to the FHIR server through OpenHIM.
Invoke the collect-data FHIR Operation using the Get request below to generate the relevant Dataset for TX_PVLS
GET: http://localhost:8090/fhir/Measure/TX-PVLS/$collect-data?periodStart=<date>&periodEnd=<date>
Invoke the evaluate-measure FHIR Operation using the Get request below for the indicator calculation based on CQL evaluation
GET: http://localhost:8090/fhir/Measure/TX-PVLS/$evaluate-measure?periodStart=<date>&periodEnd=<date>
Note : substitute<date>
in the GET request with your actual date parameter .