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  • QA Refapp is showing liquibase errors

  • Audit logging

    • Tried creating an audit log using hibernate interceptors; however it logs only changes to data (inserts, edits, deletes), but not reads.

    • We recognize there is a need for access logging (i.e., auditing who is looking at whose data). Burke gave the simple questions like (1) who has accessed this patient’s record over this time period? and (2) which patients' records has this user accessed over this time period? It’s likely implementers will have more requirements for their local security needs (e.g., being able to generate a report that summarizes access or identifies red flags).

      •  Org Administrator will start a discussion on gathering requirements on access logging
  • Njidda Salifu pointed out a couple of issues

    • Docker nginx configuration limiting the size of data uploaded (proposed fix)

    • SDK does not offer options for location when logging in, because there are no locations defined in the database

  • Manoj Rathnapriya shared some errors when getting Flag resource (http://localhost:8080/openmrs/ws/fhir2/R4/Flag/d073f2af-779d-4160-b2a4-3aa87486cf6b)
    image-20240710-154803.pngImage Added

    • Ian Bacher said it looks like something isn’t getting registered properly. It looks like the FHIR2 module was not listed as a dependency in a new maven submodule in the pom.xml. Adding a dependency on the patient-flags-fhir module should fix the problem.


  • Performance

    • Visit Summary

      • Org Administrator investigated whether diagnoses can be loaded for all encounters within a visit without loading all the other encounter data from the database and found this doesn’t exist; however, realized that, instead of creating a new visitsummary resource to get around this, a simpler solution could be to add encounter diagnoses as a property of the visit – i.e., asking for visit diagnoses would efficiently return all diagnoses across all encounters in the visit without having to fetch every encounter.

    • Startup performance

      • Startup currently takes about 10 minutes. A lot of it appears to be a “ridiculous” number of setup steps for the first setup while only warnings for teleconsultation setup are being reported. Need to investigate cause.
