This application serves as an example of how a simple app can be created to repeatedly serve the same form to a user. In this example, a clerk at the front of the clinic is capturing vitals for patients. He selects a patient with an active visit, captures vitals, and returns to the prompt to find the next patient.
Step 1:
target: Active visit table
This table consists of patients that have already started the visit. You can click over any patient that you would like to capture the visit.
Step 2:
target: patient chart view
Here, you can find detailed patient information, records of clinical visits, demographic information, graphs, and medical forms.
Step 3:
target: hamburger button
Click on this button to see different type of sections.
Step 4:
target: Vitals sidebar
click here to see the vitals and Biometrics section.
Step 5:
target: Vitals Page
congrats! this is the vitals page you’re looking for this patient.
Step 6:
target: Add button
click here to add vitals for the patient
Step 7:
target: Vitals table
Fill out the necessary information here and click on the "Sava and close” button at the bottom of this form to capture the vitals of this patient. You can click on "Discard" if you don't want to capture the vitals of the patient.
Step 8:
target: Vitals table
Whoo! now you can see the vitals you added in the patient here
Advanced Administration > Dictionary