The My Profile tab allows you to change your user information.
Patient Lists
Step 1:
Target: Patient Lists menu item
Creating a patient list is a great way to keep a group of patients organized for easier management. Click here to go to the patient lists view.
Step 2:
Target: All Lists tab
Click here to see all the patient lists we have in the system.
Step 3:
Target: New List button
Now, let's try creating a new list. Click here to open the new patient list form.
Step 4:
Target: New Patient List Form
Enter the necessary details and click on "Create List" to create the list.
Step 5:
Target: Patient Lists table
Great! We have successfully created a new patient list. Find and click on the patient list you created to proceed. You can use the search option at the top right if needed.
Step 6:
Target: Patients List
You can see the patient list is empty since we haven't added any patients to the list yet.
Step 7:
Target: Search bar
Search for a patient's name and go to the patient chart so we can add the patient to our newly created list.
Step 8:
Target: Action button
Click on "Action" and select "Add to List" from the drop-down menu.
Step 9:
Target: Add to List modal
You can see the list of patient lists here. Search for our newly created patient list using the filter, and mark the checkbox beside the patient list name. You can add the patient to multiple lists at once by selecting multiple checkboxes.
Step 10:
Target: Add to List button
Now click on the "Add to Lists" button to confirm.
Step 11:
Target: Close button
We have successfully added a patient to the patient list. Let's go back to the patient lists by closing the patient chart by clicking here.
Step 12:
Target: Patients List
You can see the added patient on the list of patients.
Step 13:
Target: Any
Congrats! You have now completed the tutorial on creating patient lists and adding patients to the lists.
1) Active Visits
1.1 This section shows the time period when a person is actively interacting with the health care system.
5.3 In this section, you can manage the patient's relationships.
OCL Module:
Step 1:
Target: App menu icon
Content: OpenMRS Open Concept Lab (OCL) module allows you to subscribe to an OCL dictionary for easier concept management. To go to the OCL module, click on the app menu here and select System Administration.
Step 2:
Target: OCL module card
Content: Now click on the OpenConcept Lab module card.
Step 3:
Target: Subscription section
Content: The OCL module has 3 main sections. The Subscription section allows you to set up an OCL subscription. Each OCL collection comes with a unique URL, which is the subscription URL.
Step 4:
Target: Subscription token field
Content: The API token is used to access the collection if it is a private OCL collection. You can find your token on the settings page of your Open Concept Lab account.
Step 5:
Target: Import tab
Content: Now let's see how we can import the concepts using the subscription we have set up. Click on the Import tab to proceed.
Step 6:
Target: Import tab content
Content: Here you have two ways to import concepts from an OCL collection. You can click on the "Import from Subscription" button to sync the concepts using the subscription we set up. Alternatively, you can import data without setting up a subscription using the file upload option. To use this option, you need to download the OCL collection from the OCL dashboard as a zip file.
Step 7:
Target: Previous Imports tab
Content: Go to the Previous Imports tab to see the details of the previous imports.
Step 8:
Target: Previous Imports list
Content: This is the list of previous imports. You can click on a record to see more details on it.
Clinical views - customize the kind of views in patient dahboard.