Project updates shared by Suruchi: integration work is being delayed (+1 week already) by low responsiveness from OEG devs. Attempting to setup weekly calls.
Eudson advises to not implement any workaround and rather wait for OEG folks to answer.
Deployment of
Development work needed to deploy embedded distro Docker images is well advanced. Est. done by mid-week.
Then reaching out to Rafal in OpenMRS community to deploy via Bamboo.
Q:Emmanuel Nyachoke where to deploy the OpenMRS Distro HIS-embedded Docker images?
FHIR API for ERPNext (or Odoo)
From Slack message Odoo might be a better fit for the default ERP system in Ozone and OpenMRS distro HIS.
Work needed to have ERPNext expose a FHIR API still needs to be documented as an example. Current work could be pushed and documented so to be picked up and resumed by other group.