Further information on configuring OpenEMPI can be found in the OpenEMPI Documentation. Hapi TestPanel is an HL7v2 message editor, transmitter and receiver that can be used to test that OpenEMPI is configured correctly and working.
OpenMRS Registration Core Master Patient Index Global Properties
In order to use an MPI, the following Global Properties must be configured:
- registrationcore.mpi.Hl7implementation: specifies the version of Hl7 used and the protocol used. Example: registrationcore.mpiHl7v2HttpSender
- registrationcore.mpi.implementation : specifies which MPI implementation you are going to use. Since registrationcore v1.4 you can use OpenEMPI implementation.
- registrationcore.mpi.url : specifies url to MPI server Property type: string. Example: : username for authentication on MPI server
- registrationcore.mpi.password : password for authentication on MPI serverregistrationcore.mpi.personIdentifierTypeUuid : specifies local patient identifier type id. Through this identifier imported MPI patient will be linked with patient on remote MPI server. You have to create new patient identifier type in Managing patient identifiers console:
- registrationcore.mpi.pdqEndpoint : url of the endpoint for pdq communication. Example: localhost:5001/pdq
- registrationcore.mpi.pixEndpoint : url of the endpoint for pix communication. Example: localhost:5001/pix
- registrationcore.mpi.pixPort : port used for pix communication. Default: 3600
- registrationcore.mpi.pdqPort : port used for pdq communication. Default: 3700
- registrationcore.mpi.pixIdentifierTypeUuidList : List of patient type identifiers included in pix messsages
- registrationcore.mpi.pdqIdentifierTypeUuidList : List of patient type identifiers included in pdq messages
- registrationcore.mpi.receivingApplication : Application receiving pix/pdq messages. Default: Demo MPI
- registrationcore.mpi.receivingFacility : Facility Receiving pix/pdq messages. Default: OpenEMPI Demo
- registrationcore.mpi.sendingApplication : Application sending pix/pdq messages. Default: OpenMRS
- registrationcore.mpi.sendingFacility : Facility Sending pix/pdq messages. Default: Demo
- registrationcore.openempi.enableProbabilisticMatching : This determines whether OpenEMPI uses probabilistic matching.
- registrationcore.openempi.globalIdentifierDomainId
OpenMRS Runtime Properties
In order to authenticate with the MPI, you have to add two properties to the .OpenMRS/openmrs-runtime.properties file. These have to be the credentials configured within the MPI you are using.
- registrationcore.mpi.username : username for authentication on MPI server
- registrationcore.mpi.password : password for authentication on MPI server
For example: