- Download the latest version from the OpenMRS module repository and add it to your OpenMRS application using the _Administration->Manage Modules _page.
- Go to Administration->manage Smart app page and add Smart app manifests to add smart apps to your installation by clicking add SMART app button.
- There are two options for adding smart apps
- To add manifest from the local machine choose file and upload it.
- To add manifest from network enter url(url format should be http://<somedomain>/<directory>/../<name of the file>.json) and upload it.
- There are two options for adding smart apps
- Got to Administration->manage user app page and chose apps from available apps to appear at your patient dashboard.
- If you want to use SMART apps that use Problems data,go to Administration->Set up Problem Object and choose how to map OpenMRS problems into Smart problems.
- If you want to represent OpenMRS problems by Obs ,You have to go to Administration->Manage Global Property and enter smartcontainer.problem.addedConcept id and smartcontainer.problem.resolvedConcept id
- Ensure that all your concept are mapped as follows
- Finally go to patient dashboard and click the SMART app tab and launch SMART apps by clicking the icon.