Smart Container Module
This module enables SMART apps in an OpenMRS installation.SMART stands for Substitutable Medical App,Reusable Technologies.This is a platform for developping substituable medical apps around reusable technologies.In simple words, SMART app is just a web application developed using HTML and JavaScript that uses medical record data from EMR through a common API called SMART API. SMART apps use a comman API which enables them to run independent of the EMR.
By enabling SMART apps in OpenMRS we are providing a platform to run useful SMART application built by SMART developers.
What this module does
Administrators can add/remove/enable/disable SMART apps
Admins can make which apps are visible or hidden for individual users
Users can customize the SMART apps they want to appear on their patient dashboard.
SMART apps are displayed on the patient dashboards. The following apps are currently usable:
Problems: Displays problems in a table view
Med List: Displays medications in a table or timeline view
Med Calendar: Displays medications in a table or calendar view.
Got Statins?: Determines whether patient is taking a Statin.
Cardiac Risk: A Visualization of Cardiology Bloodwork Results with the Framingham Risk Score.
Meducation: Generates simpler medication instructions in multiple languages. See for more details
Medical Adherence: Displays Adherence History for Chronic Meds
BP Centiles: Displays pediatric blood pressures with calculated percentiles
For some apps to work, you need to have set up the necessary module settings (formerly global properties from platform 1.8 downwards)
Release Notes
(To be filled in once an initial release is made)
This module was developer by @Balachandiran Ajanthan as a GSOC2011 project: project.