HTML Form Entry Module Enhancements

HTML Form Entry Module Enhancements

Abstract :

As per the demand we would have to create new tags.

Implementation :

Just as how we have in the current implementation , <openmrs:hasPrivelege privileges = Add person , Edit person > for privileges we should create the same for role . and also avail this feature at the HTML form entry level.

patient exit from care .I need to discuss how does the mentor wish this to work .

Add checkbox multi-select to obs tag : I have already created a patch for this . HTML-92.

Currently the implementation goes as follows:

1.when a <obs> is encountered in the given html ObsTagHandler's method substitutionTagHandler  populates the parameters and the getSubstitution method is responsible for generating the html by calling the obsSubmissionElement.

2. obsSubmissionElement takes the request with the parameters and calls the respective widget related to the request depending on the style accordingly. The widget generates the html and obsSubmissionElement registers the respective element. The single element is returned to the obsTagHandler.

3.The obsTagHandler adds the element to the actions, which in turn is responsible for storing the data in the database.

In my implementation,

I have changed the ObsTagHandler by checking if the style is checkbox, if it is a checkbox and had multiple conceptIds or answerConceptIds i'm calling the ObsSubmissionElement multiple times by sending the request each time as a new checkbox for each conceptIds or answerConceptIds available in the original tag.

We can also implement this by making the obsSubmissionElement to return multiple elements and by making obsTagHandler also to add multiple actions simultaneously.But this would change the whole working obsSubmissionElement,but this would be needing a lot of code refactoring. 

Add autocomplete search option to Encounter Provider and Encounter Location : this functionality already exists , we need to link it in HTML form entry , by creating an appropriate widget for it and registering it with the EncounterSubmissionElement.

We need to have a tag <autosave  time= 15 sec> , which when included in the form should save the form after every 15 sec. The time should be configurable.


I would be busy with my exams till 15th May

Would be doing a tag per week.