Tribe Module


This module adds a Person Attribute Type named "Tribe".  The potential tribes are stored in a table that is managed by the administrator.

Author: @Upul Godage

Download: from the module repository

To Add Tribes

  • Go to the Administration screen

  • Click Manage Tribes (located in the Manage Patients section)

To Show/Hide the Tribe attribute on the edit forms

  • Go to the Administration screen

  • Click Manage Person Attributes Types

  • To see Tribes on the search screens

    • Add "Tribe" near the bottom of the screen next to Listing Person Attributes

  • To see Tribes on the short edit screens

    • Add "Tribe" near the bottom of the screen next to Viewing Person Attributes


The first time the tribe module runs, it will read the tribe column in the patient table and create the relevant person attributes. Then it will remove the tribe column in the patient table. That means after the tribe module runs, the database cannot be used with an older OpenMRS release again. The tribe data upgrade is one way only.

Release Notes

  • 1.5

    • Revision [archive:11838] See #1995

    • Update Tribe module to extend OpenmrsObject interface

  • 1.4

    • Revision 9829 See #1744

    • Add View Tribes privilege to Authenticated role if not exists on module startup

    • Add SQL Access privileges to execute SQL statements

    • Exclude *Test when building module

  • 1.3

    • Added ability to work with 1.5.0 alpha and the uuid column on person attributes

  • 1.2

    • Fixed a bug where empty tribes could not be saved to a patient

  • 1.1

    • Moved the manage tribes link to the same old place under Manage Patients

    • Fixed the activator to work with the new version

  • 1.0

    • Initial release


  • Why do I see this error in my logs? java.lang.ClassNotFoundException org.openmrs.module.tribe.Tribe
    You need to start or install the Tribe module. See the Manage Modules page on the Admin screen.

  • I get a The Patient.getTribe method is no longer supported error when opening a FormEntry Module form
    Rebuilding all of your XSNs should fix it.