Versions Compared


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  • Cynthia Antwi
  • dkayiwa
  • Darius Jazayeri
  • Juliet Wamalwa
  • Sanatt Abrol
  • Samuel Male

Discussion items

Project Activities Spreadsheet

  • GCI page:
  • GCI begins tomorrow (23 October)
  • Starts in 25 hrs

  • 85 Draft Tasks.

  • A link will be provided to GCI support to keep mentors and students updated on progress for both students .

  • No major blokages at the moment.

  • Work has been divided into different catergories. To better manage resources.

Internships: Andela

  •  Daniel Kayiwa to work with Andela to better organize issues in JIRA for releases/versions so people can more easily see issues by version and, just as importantly, for future versions. Sync 2.0 is a good example. Darius' primary interest is being able to better capture & track issues across versions (even unreleased versions) in order to more clearly understand backlog, when something should be done, etc. The are nine apprentices working on 2 projects OCL and Order entry.
  •  4 of the apprentices rolled off last week
Sync 2.0 (SolDevelo, Jembi)

Jakub Slawinski

OpenMRS Reference Application 2.9

Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  •  Cynthia Antwi will reach out to Stephen and Reuben to find out the way forward since there was no one give the feedback .
OpenMRS Platform 2.2

Samuel Male and Irene Nyakate

  • October 2018 release date at risk (estimated less than a week of work left on remaining tickets in September)
  • Can see where things stand on the Technical Roadmap
  • Platform tickets will be done tentatively by next week (20 Sept) so Platform release can proceed
 Cynthia Antwi to help Samuel Male and Irene Nyakate to work (with Daniel Kayiwa ) through getting remaining work done and completing the OpenMRS Platform Release Process

  • Ticket testing for platform 2.2 has began and 1 ticket is already closed.
  • Samuel took upon himself to work on one of the tickets.
  • There are some tickets which failed after testing and so they have been bumped off.
  • Samuel to reach out on a member from PIH to test on some tickets.
  • dkayiwa confirmed that Samuel has done his best its him delaying him because of multitasking but he promises to finish his ticket too.
Technical Road Map Process

PM tool


Next week
