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Comment: Task marked complete



OCL subscription moduleraff
  • work still appears to be suspended
  • Burke will follow up with Jonathan Payne
2.3 - Java 8 SupportWyclif Luyima
  • ticket for Java 8 support -
    Jira Legacy
    serverOpenMRS JIRA
  • need to work on "issue links" in the above trunk, may need a mini sprint (Wyclif Luyima owns managing this)
2.3 - Support for MariaDB?
  • need to create a ticket for MariaDB
  • this group will need to push this forward and identify a project owner
2.3 - Condition ListÉmerson Hernandez
  • schedule for design queue
  • how should diagnosis relate encounter diagnosis and condition list?
2.3 - Web Framework 
  • will discuss on 29 April design call
  • Burke Mamlin needs to write a page or blog describing the vision.
2.3 - Vertical Packaging 
  • Burke Mamlin needs to write a page or blog describing the vision.
2.3 - Order Entry 
  • order entry will go below condition list but should be included
2.3 additions... 
  • 28 May developers forum will be doing 2.3 planning with the broader community (have emailed the community to get them thinking about this)
  • need to add admin tools. tickets??
    Jira Legacy
    serverOpenMRS JIRA
    and labeled adminui
  • add FHIR to the platform functionality, creating 1.12 or 1.11.5 milestone
1.12 Platform 
  • need to set a date for 1.12 platform release (end of year)
  • should come before 2.3 application release? or not be required for 2.3?
  • in the future should schedule annual release after GSoC because of projects relating to the platform
  • remove legacy UI and move to a module.
Bahmni Update 
  • how to help treatment through nutrition (ie. diets, supplements)?
  • in OpenMRS world would be a nutrition module
  • interested in administration of medications and decision support


  •  Burke Mamlin will reach out to Former user (Deleted) to see where OCL is at
  •  Wyclif Luyima is going to take 
    Jira Legacy
    serverOpenMRS JIRA
     and outline steps to get us working with Java 8 then email the dev list for assistance
  •  Burke Mamlin will create a ticket for MariaDB
  •  Jamie Thomas will work to help identify project owner for support of MariaDB
  •  Jamie Thomas schedule design forum w/ Bahmni topic; Should diagnosis relate encounter diagnosis and condition list?
  •  Jamie Thomas create a reminder for project management calls and update the wiki page with the purpose of calls