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Comment: fixing bullet points back into check boxes

Session 1: Growth of Development Community - Burke Mamlin and Darius Jazayeri

  •  Post career path stages (/dev/null 1-5) for devs w/ detail descriptions (deadline GSoC – February)


  •  The full & partial contributor goes away!  We are now using numbers. Do not refer to classification as levels when communicating as this will create confusion and mixed messaging.


  •  Create/document process for developer stages and where it is communicated
  •  Document governance (How do people level up?)
  •  Talk to DevOps team (ie, Cyntia and Michael) about the creation of a QA position for testing
  •  Paul Biondich and Jonathan Teich to find outside consultant to describe typical software development QA process (not relevant anymore)
  •  Saptarshi Purkayastha determine whether OpenMRS establishes MOOC opportunity for community members and determine timeline for a start. 
  •  Create a list of bug fixes for GSoC (by February)
  •  Create/document process to clean up inactive ticket items (Jamie Thomas to speak w/ Burke Mamlin)


  •  Paul Biondich and Hamish Fraser to document, test and create process around vetting crosscutting strategic directions for OpenMRS on leadership communication forums
    •  Examples:  approach to aggregate reporting, integration with mobile technologies, integration with lab systems, approach to emergent disease threats
    •  needs "steward" function to be created
  •  Create wiki page for queuing up topics that need to be vetted (e.g. Ebola, HIV care, etc.)

Session 4: Leadership – Paul Biondich

  •  Document on the wiki…
    •  create general guidance on basic attributes of an OpenMRS leader
    •  process for new leaders to be nominated
    •  document roles onto the leadership team page
    •  make a list and contact people who did not think they were OpenMRS leaders and talk to them about leadership straw man
    •  get campers on mailing list then send out how to join calls and schedule?? (deadline by December 5th)
    •  schedule a leadership call where Board members can join? Get Board these action items?


  •  consider revisions of existing leadership org structure, revise top level leadership structure if necessary, leaders will nominate below that


  •  create transparency of leadership topics, decisions and communications for the community

Session 5: OpenMRS Inc. - Paul Biondich

  •  Send campers business model
  •  Research and fill fund raiser role (may try to talk w/ Board, PIH, Megan Miller) (e.g. Zach Rogeff, Campaign Manager) (Hamish Fraser agreed to help)


  •  Iterate Inc. business plan based on concept notes and such for more money


  •  Email OpenMRS Inc. 6mth financials to the leadership list
  •  Clearly define and document what can be done with fundraising money, depends on the source (Hamish Fraser would like to talk about this idea further)


  •  2015 Q2 fundraising!!

Session 6: Regional Communities – Suranga Kasthurirathne & Pascal Brandt (Regional Community Managers)


  •  Provide monthly updates to leadership about what has been goin on via calls or by email

Other Meeting Action Items

  •  Training and Educational Activities
    •  Paul to work on locating this work stream on the overall community governance structure
    •  Lead for this work stream (TBD) to nominate Saptarshi Purkayastha for leadership oversight
    •  Saptarshi Purkayastha and Paul Biondich to describe overall vision and approach to training (audiences, approach for each audience)
    •  Saptarshi Purkayastha & Jonathan Teich to document the process of the ask for mentoring and clinical application (concept note deadline March)