Please look at Platform 2.0.0 Alpha Release Notes to take a look at the milestones covered prior to this Beta release
Updating layout.address.format global property
Removing dashboard.regimen.standardRegimens global property
Encrypting the users.secret_answer column
Temporarily removing foreign key constraint from person_attribute_type.edit_privilege column\
Temporarily removing foreign key constraint from role_privilege.privilege column
Increasing the size of the privilege column in the privilege table
Adding foreign key constraint to person_attribute_type.edit_privilege column
Increasing the size of the privilege column in the role_privilege table
Adding foreign key constraint to role_privilege.privilege column
Adding foreign key on patient_identifier.patient_id column
Add changed_by column to encounter_type table
Add date_changed column to encounter_type table
Create allergy table
Create allergy_reaction table
Add allergy_status field to the patient table
Custom changeset to migrate allergies from old to new tables
Removing the active_list_problem table (active_list feature removed)
Removing the active_list_allergy table (active_list feature removed)
Removing the active_list table (active_list feature removed)
Removing the active_list_type table (active_list feature removed)
Add drug_non_coded column to drug_order table
Adding address columns (7-15) to person_address and location
Removing a column value_boolean from obs table
Set uuid for columns in all tables which has uuid as null. This is required for successful run of next changeSet.
Set uuid columns to "NOT NULL", if not set already for 1.9.x tables
Create order_set table
Create order_set_member table
Create order_group table
Adding 'order_group_id' column to orders table
Adding 'sort_weight' column to orders table
Converting values in drug_order.dosing_type column(TRUNK-4845)
New Features (after OpenMRS Platform 1.11.5)