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h2. OpenMRS Hackathon 1.8 *Write Code. Save Lives.* From time to time, the OpenMRS development community comes together at the same time on a massive effort to write code and move the project forward. We call these events hackathons, and it's a great way to get work done. We hope you'll join us\! {toc} h2. What's Happening? The focus of OpenMRS 1.8 is doing performance enhancements. This includes a few long-running projects, but mostly it involves tickets that can be designed, implemented, and tested, in less than a day. We want to get as many people as possible working simultaneously, for two days, so we can get 90% of the 1.8 code complete by the end of it. * [Top "Ten" List for 1.8 Performance Improvements|] There will also be work available for those interested in documentation and non-coding. OpenMRS is getting ready to launch a new wiki (which you're looking at right now) and this is the perfect time to clean up information as it's moved over to the new system. If you're interested, contact [Michael|~michael] and add your name in the list below. h2. What can I do? {jiraissues:url=!%3D+ITSM+AND+cf[10041]+%3D+1_8-hackathon&tempMax=1000|columns=type,key,summary,assignee,status|anonymous=true|title=1.8 Development Hackathon Tasks} \\ {jiraissues:url=|columns=type,key,summary,assignee,status|anonymous=true|title=Documentation Hackathon Tasks - Listing In Progress} h2. Where and when? * Thursday & Friday, August 19-20, 2010 ** 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT (or work in your local time zone - just let us know\!) ** Kick-off call: 10:00 AM EDT (using the normal [weekly developer meeting|docs:Weekly Developer Meeting] information) * In-person: Indianapolis, USA: [Regenstrief Institute|] ** Thursday: Room 1110 ** Friday: 3rd Floor Atrium {info:title=Join Us Remotely!}If you're outside of Indianapolis, you can connect to us via voice, Skype, [IRC|], [Adobe Connect|], and video. Watch this page for more information as the date draws near.{info} h2. Who's participating? Interested? Be sure your name and relevant information to the list below. h3. {color:#ff0000}Red Team - Development{color} || Name || Contact Info || Location || Time Zone || Thursday? || Friday? || Assigned Task(s) || | [~wyclif]\\ {color:#ff0000}{*}{_}Red Leader{_}{*}{color}\\ | | Indianapolis | UTC-4 | (/) | (/) | | | [~bwolfe] | {im:bawolfe\|service=skype\|showid=false} | Indianapolis | UTC-4 | (/) | (/) | | | [~darius] | | Indianapolis | UTC-4 | (/) | (/) | | | [~jeremy] | {im:jlkeiper|service=skype|showid=false}{|service=gtalk|showid=false} | Indianapolis | UTC-4 | (/) | (/) | | | [~nyoman] | {im:nribeka|service=skype|showid=false} | Indianapolis | UTC-4 | (/) | (/) | | | [~sy] | | Indianapolis | UTC-4 | (/) | (x) | | | Justin Miranda | {im:jmiranda62|service=skype|showid=false} | Dominican Republic | UTC-4 | (?) | (?) | | | [~mseaton] | | Indianapolis | UTC-4 | (/) | (/) | | | [~mogoodrich] | | Indianapolis | UTC-4 | (/) | (/) | | | [~r0bby] | {im:r0bby1982|service=skype|showid=false} | New York | UTC-4 | (/) | (/) | | | [~burke] | | Indianapolis | UTC-4 | (/) | (/) | | | Shazin Sadakath | {im:shazetter|service=skype|showid=false} | Sri Lanka | UTC+5:30 | (/) | (/) | | | Firzhan Naqash | {im:firzhan007|service=skype|showid=false} | Sri Lanka | UTC+5:30 | (?) | (?) | | | Saptarshi P | {im:sunbiz|service=skype|showid=false} | India | UTC+5:30 | (?) | (?) | | | [~vietnguyen] | | | UTC+5:30 | (?) | (?) | | | [Thad Kerosky |~thadk] \\ | | Indianapolis \\ | UTC-4 \\ | (/) | (/) | | | [Jeffrey Leegon |] \\ | | Indianapolis | UTC-4 | (/) | (/) \\ | | h3. {color:#0000ff}Blue Team - Documentation{color} * {color:#0000ff}Join the Blue Team's{color} {color:#0000ff}[public Skype chat|]{color} * {color:#0000ff}See the{color} {color:#0000ff}[RES:Blue Team Work Plan]{color} || Name || Contact Info || Location || Time Zone || Thursday? || Friday? || Assigned Task(s) || | [~michael]\\ {color:#0000ff}{*}{_}Blue Leader{_}{*}{color}\\ | {im:michaeljdowney|service=skype|showid=false}{|service=gtalk|showid=false} | Indianapolis | UTC-4 | (/) | (/) | | | [~nareesa] | {im:nareesa.mohammed\|service=skype\|showid=false} | Indianapolis | UTC-4 | (?) | (?) | | | [~dawn] | {im:dawn.courtney.smith|service=skype|showid=false} | Indianapolis | UTC-4 | (/) | (/) | | | Lorinne Banister | | Indianapolis | UTC-4 | (?) | (?) | | | Nathan Galingan | {im:galinganmd\|service=skype\|showid=false} | Manila | UTC+8 | (?) | (?) | | | [Randy Fernandez|~rgfernandez] | {im:rj_fernandez\|service=skype\|showid=false} | Manila | UTC+8 | (?) | (?) | | | Wayne Dell Manuel | {im:wdmanuel\|service=skype\|showid=false} | Manila | UTC+8 | (?) | (?) | | | [~jamesm] | | Eldoret | UTC+3 | (?) | (?) | | | [~burke] | | Indianapolis | UTC-4 | (?) | (?) | | | [~gmccallum] | {im:mccallumg\|service=skype\|showid=false} | Vancouver | UTC-7 | Eve | Eve | \\ \\ | | [Umashanthi|~umashanthi] | {im:umashanthi\|service=skype\|showid=false}\\ | Sri Lanka | UTC+5:30 \\ | (/)\\ | (/)\\ | | | [Ada Yeung|] \\ | | {im:adakyeungiadakyeung\|service=skype\|showid=false}\\ | | Indianapolis\\ | UTC-4 |\\ | (?) | | | (/)\\ | | | |
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