If you PM the bot, you can list all plugins ( list ) and list all commands per plugin ( list <plugin> ). Some of the commands might not work - Admin: acmd, capability add, capability remove, channels, clearq, ignore add, ignore list, ignore remove, join, and nick
- Alias: add, beer, beer2, beerme, changeset, codereview, cokeme, cr, cs, dcme, define, facts, google, googledefine, hi, holidays, jira, list, lock, mailinglist, powerup, psu, refer, remove, requestsvnspace, review, scrumoff, scrumon, test, test2, ticket, and unlock
- Channel: alert, ban add, ban hostmask, ban list, ban remove, capability add, capability list, capability remove, capability set, capability setdefault, capability unset, cycle, dehalfop, deop, devoice, disable, enable, halfop, iban, ignore add, ignore list, ignore remove, invite, kban, key, kick, limit, listbans, lobotomy add, lobotomy list, lobotomy remove, mode, moderate, nicks, op, part, unban, unmoderate, (1 more message)
- ChannelStats: channelstats, rank, and stats
- Config: channel, config, default, export, help, list, reload, search, and setdefault
- Factoids: alias, change, forget, info, learn, lock, random, rank, search, unlock, and whatis
- Herald: add, change, default, get, and remove
- Karma: clear, dump, karma, load, and most
- MeetBot: addchair, deletemeeting, listmeetings, pingall, recent, and savemeetings
- Misc: apropos, clearmores, completenick, help, last, list, more, noticetell, ping, source, tell, and version
- Owner: announce, defaultcapability, defaultplugin, disable, enable, flush, ircquote, load, logmark, quit, reload, reloadlocale, rename, unload, unrename, and upkeep
- RSS: add, announce add, announce list, announce remove, ci, info, remove, rss, and talk
- Reply: action, notice, private, replies, and reply
- Seen: any, last, seen, since, and user
- Services: ghost, identify, invite, nicks, op, password, unban, and voice
- ShrinkUrl: expand, tiny, ur1, and x0
- Status: cmd, commands, cpu, net, network, processes, server, status, threads, and uptime
- User: capabilities, changename, hostmask, hostmask add, hostmask list, hostmask remove, identify, list, register, set password, set secure, stats, unidentify, unregister, username, and whoami
- Web: doctype, fetch, headers, size, title, urlquote, and urlunquote