To add another object to FHIR synchronization, you must implement the FHIR Strategy Pattern
To do this, Firstly you need to create GenericObjectnameStrategy interface if you wish to synchronize Objectname object
It should look be a simple CRUD that looks more/less like this:
package org.openmrs.module.fhir.api.strategies.objectname;
import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Objectname;
public interface GenericObjectnameStrategy {
Objectname getObjectname(String uuid);
void deleteObjectname(String uuid);
Objectname updateObjectname(String uuid, Objectname objectname);
Objectname createObjectname(Objectname objectname);
As shown, it should have at least method stubs for getting, deleting, updatng and creating of Objectname object
After that, the interface, by default needs to be implemented by ObjectnameStrategy class that would contain concrete implementatons of method stubs.
A Strategy Util class, like ObjectNameStrategyUtil should be created next to retrieve the implemented strategy in the following way:
package org.openmrs.module.fhir.api.strategies.objectname;
import org.openmrs.api.context.Context;
import org.openmrs.module.fhir.api.util.FHIRUtils;
public class ObjectNameStrategyUtil {
public static GenericObjectNameStrategy getObjectNameStrategy() {
String strategy = FHIRUtils.getObjectNameStrategy();
return strategy == null ? new ObjectNameStrategy() :
Context.getRegisteredComponent(strategy, GenericObjectNameStrategy. class );
This is done in order to enable using a different strategy in an easy way as the "String strategy = FHIRUtils.getObjectNameStrategy();" retrieves a bean name that should be used
By default, it's the default strategy shown above, but an additional one can be implemented and used as well
Then, to separate the FHIR mapping logic from the rest of the module ObjectNameServiceImpl class needs to be created to call ObjectNameStrategyUtil class:
package org.openmrs.module.fhir.api.impl;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.ObjectName;
import org.openmrs.api.impl.BaseOpenmrsService;
import org.openmrs.module.fhir.api.ObjectNameService;
import org.openmrs.module.fhir.api.db.FHIRDAO;
import org.openmrs.module.fhir.api.strategies.objectname.ObjectNameStrategyUtil;
public class ObjectNameServiceImpl extends BaseOpenmrsService implements ObjectNameService {
protected final Log log = LogFactory.getLog( this .getClass());
private FHIRDAO dao;
* @return the dao
public FHIRDAO getDao() {
return dao;
* @param dao the dao to set
public void setDao(FHIRDAO dao) {
this .dao = dao;
public ObjectName getObjectName(String uuid) {
return ObjectNameStrageryUtil.getObjectNameStrategy().getObjectName(uuid);
public void deleteObjectName(String uuid) {
public ObjectName updateObjectName(String uuid, ObjectName objectName) {
return ObjectNameStrategyUtil.getObjectName().updateObjectName(uuid, objectName);
public ObjectName createObjectName(ObjectName objectName) {
return ObjectNameStrategyUtil.getObjectNameStrategy().createObjectName(ObjectName);
It should implement an ObjectNameService interface:
package org.openmrs.module.fhir.api;
import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.ObjectName;
import org.openmrs.api.OpenmrsService;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
public interface ObjectNameService extends OpenmrsService {
* Get object by id
* @param uuid The uuid of object
* @return ObjectName fhir resource
ObjectName getObjectName(String uuid);
* Delete object by id
* @param uuid The uuid of object
void deleteObjectName(String uuid);
* Update object
* @param uuid The uuid of object
* @param objectName representation of object fhir resource
ObjectName updateObjectName(String uuid, ObjectName objectName);
* Create object
* @param objectName the object to create
ObjectName createObjectName(ObjectName objectName);
Also, a FHIRObjectNameResource needs to be created that is going to use the created Service:
package org.openmrs.module.fhir.resources;
import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.IdType;
import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.ObjectName;
import org.openmrs.api.context.Context;
import org.openmrs.module.fhir.api.ObjectNameService;
public class FHIRObjectNameResource extends Resource {
public ObjectName getByUniqueId(IdType id) {
ObjectNameService objectNameService = Context.getService(ObjectNameService. class );
return objectNameService.getObjectName(id.getIdPart());
public void deleteObjectName(IdType id) {
ObjectNameService ObjectNameService = Context.getService(ObjectNameService. class );
public ObjectName updateObjectName(String id, ObjectName objectName) {
return Context.getService(ObjectNameService. class ).updateObjectName(id, objectName);
public ObjectName createObjectName(ObjectName objectName) {
return Context.getService(ObjectNameService. class ).createObjectName(objectName);
Last class that needs to be created is RestfulObjectNameProvider:
package org.openmrs.module.fhir.providers;
import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.IdType;
import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.RelatedPerson;
import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource;
import org.openmrs.module.fhir.resources.FHIRRelatedPersonResource;
import org.openmrs.module.fhir.util.MethodOutcomeBuilder;
public class RestfulObjectNameProvider implements IResourceProvider {
private FHIRObjectNameResource objectNameResource;
public RestfulObjectNameProvider() {
objectNameResource = new FHIRObjectNameResource();
public Class<? extends IBaseResource> getResourceType() {
return ObjectName. class ;
* Get object by unique id
* @param theId object containing the id
public ObjectName getResourceById( @IdParam IdType theId) {
return objectNameResource.getByUniqueId(theId);
* Delete object by unique id
* @param theId object containing the id
public void deleteObjectName( @IdParam IdType theId) {
* Update object by unique id
* @param theId object containing the id
public MethodOutcome updateObjectName( @ResourceParam ObjectName objectName, @IdParam IdType theId) {
return MethodOutcomeBuilder.buildUpdate(objectName);
* Create object
* @param objectName fhir objectname object
public MethodOutcome createObjectName( @ResourceParam ObjectName objectName) {
return MethodOutcomeBuilder.buildCreate(objectNameResource.createObjectName(objectName));
The created provided must be added in FHIRRESTServer class in the initialize method to resourceProviders like this:
resourceProviders.add( new RestfulRelatedPersonProvider());
When all these classes are created in the FHIR code, the ObjectName object is prepared to be synchronized by FHIRmapped by FHIR
But, to enable the synchronization, a Client Helper needs to be created.
To do this, an interface ObjectNameHelper needs to be created:
package org.openmrs.module.fhir.api.helper;
import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.ObjectName; import org.openmrs.ObjectName;
public interface ObsHelper {
Observation.ObservationStatus getObsStatus(Obs obs);
void setStatus(Obs obs, Observation.ObservationStatus status);
CodeableConcept getInterpretation(Obs obs);
void setInterpretation(Obs obs, CodeableConcept interpretation); } |
and implemented accordingly.
Also, in the FHIRClientHelper class, CATEGOY_OBJECT_NAME needs to be added: