FHIR Resource List for Sync

FHIR DSTU3 will be the primary method of data transfer between the Child and Parent nodes in a Sync network. Wherever possible we should default to using FHIR representations and rely on other methods only if OpenMRS objects cannot be represented using FHIR resources. Atom feeds used by Sync should point to FHIR urls for resources that are transmitted using FHIR.

The OpenMRS FHIR module will be extended to server both as a client and server that will be leveraged by Sync to create and read FHIR representations that will be used in pushing or pulling data. The FHIR services from the module will also be used by Sync to persist FHIR representations it retrieves from the Parent. Overall the module will be used in 3 ways in Sync:

1) On a Parent - as the server that receives data pushed from it's Children

2) As a client - on Children to both retrieve data from events published on their Parent, but also in their own atom feed. It will also be used to push data to their Parent.

3) As services to persist FHIR representations - on Children that retrieve FHIR resources from a Parent and need to persist them in OpenMRS.

Resource List

This is a list of domain objects that implement BaseOpenmrsData that we want to synchronize between OpenMRS servers. While we want to use FHIR as much as we can, it might come up that for some objects we will have to implement a different Sync protocol.

NoOpenMRS EntityFHIR ResourceFHIR Maturity
4VisitList of encounters can be considered: https://www.hl7.org/fhir/list.html 

FHIR's Encounter resource can serve either as an OpenMRS Encounter or OpenMRS Visit. OpenMRS Encounter is a point in time.

  • If a FHIR Encounter spans a period of time (e.g., days), it would be an OpenMRS Visit.
  • If a FHIR Encounter has observations linked to it, it's an OpenMRS Encounter
9Order https://www.hl7.org/fhir/medicationrequest.html 

FHIR Nutrition Order and MedicationRequest can be considered, but orders have a broader sense in OpenMRS.

Priority would be MedicationRequest (Drug Order) and ProcedureRequest (Test Order)
