MoTeCH Integration (Design Page)

MoTeCH Integration (Design Page)

MoTeCH Integration

Primary mentor

Backup mentor

Assigned to

Ben Wolfe


MoTeCH needs to send and receive information to and from OpenMRS

Project Champions

Andy Kanter


Produce a bidirectional synchronization process between OpenMRS and other systems such as MoTeCH. Using a publish/subscribe method, each system would notify the other when a change was made to a patient (Add, edit, delete) and then provide the necessary information to update the other system. The minimum requirement is that new patients in either system, or edits, be made in the other system. Also, a certain set of concepts if added to OpenMRS will update the case definition in MoTeCH and if there are changes to MoTeCH, these are added as an encounter within OpenMRS.

Extra Credit
