GSoC 2020 : Upgrade Platform Core Libraries Project

Primary mentor

@Moses Mutesasira

Backup mentor

@Sharif Magembe

Assigned to

@Pahonsi Bebeto Achile



We need to upgrade our Platform Core libraries ,to be able to leaverage all the latest functionalities in the latest released versions of these libraries. As first priority we would need to upgrade  Java .
This project will address the issues that will arise during the Upgrade.



Project Champions

@Moses Mutesasira   @Daniel Kayiwa  @Burke Mamlin  @Ian Bacher @Ivo Ulrich

Skills Needed

  • Excellent understanding of Java

  • Good understanding of the hibernate library

  • Good understanding of the Spring library

  • General understanding of the OpenMRS data model


  • Upgrading Java from OpenJDK 8 to OpenJDK 11. Note that Java 11 is Only supported out of the box in Spring 5.


Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Extra Credit


Relevant link 

Project Status 

  • Upgrading Java from OpenJDK 8 to OpenJDK 11. Note that Java 11 is Only supported out of the box in Spring 5. ( DONE )