OpenMRS - OAuth2 Module

OpenMRS - OAuth2 Module

What this module does

OpenMRS OAuth2 module strictly adheres to the OAuth2 specifications which are enforced by Spring Security and Spring Security OAuth2 projects. For a quick overview of the Oauth2 protocol flow, you can utilize the following resources :

The module also supports SMART's EHR Launch Flow through which SMART apps can be launched from OpenMRS.

Documentation / How-To

If you are an OpenMRS implementer, see OAuth2 Module - for Implementors

If you are a Client Developer, see OAuth2 module - for Client Developers 

If you are a Module Developer, see OAuth2 Module - for Implementors

To run the module with LegacyUI only and NOT with Reference Application, see OAuth2 Module - Run module with LegacyUI only

To configure and use OAuth2 Client REST Controller, see OAuth2 Module - Client REST Controller

To add support for CORS, see OAuth2 Module - add support for CORS

If you want to run SMART apps using EHR launch flow, see OAuth2 Module - EHR Launch Flow


Required OpenMRS Version

The module requires OpenMRS 2.0.1 and above with Spring Security 4 and above (depends on Spring version being used).


Screenshots / Videos / Resources

**TODO add all related videos and documentation here**

Release Notes

Current Version : 2.0

Previous Versions : 


This module was developed by @Mayank Sharma (GSoC-2015), @Sanatt Abrol (GSoC-2017) and @Prabodh Kotasthane (GSoC-2018).